
I would just like to point out that you don't have to be a lefty enviromentalist to worry about a technological apocalypse. My mother is an evangelical right-winger, and she enjoys reading books about how terrorists are going to zap our power systems and we'll all be left to fend for ourselves. This explains, she

Agreed. The problem is, they seem to have gone to the trouble of elaborately planning for all the lights to go out and creating all these barren backdrops for the sole purpose of saying…."FAMILY IS IMPORTANT." So, they should have made a shlocky 90s family sitcom instead.

Agreed. The problem is, they seem to have gone to the trouble of elaborately planning for all the lights to go out and creating all these barren backdrops for the sole purpose of saying…."FAMILY IS IMPORTANT." So, they should have made a shlocky 90s family sitcom instead.

I caught a glimpse of this, and it did in fact seem horrific.

I caught a glimpse of this, and it did in fact seem horrific.

More like Bad Idea, Worse Idea, I'm thinking.

More like Bad Idea, Worse Idea, I'm thinking.

What personality disorder is this?

What personality disorder is this?



I can't imagine what that realization would be like. Especially when we think back to Season 1 and how Hank saw Walt at that point (only a little over a year ago for him). All the way back to finding that equipment missing from the high school, and not for a second thinking that Walt could be the one who took it…that

I can't imagine what that realization would be like. Especially when we think back to Season 1 and how Hank saw Walt at that point (only a little over a year ago for him). All the way back to finding that equipment missing from the high school, and not for a second thinking that Walt could be the one who took it…that

I understand your point of view, and in theory I like to agree. However. Punishment is one thing—I think punishment speaks to and breeds vengefulness in the punishers (society, for example), and that's bad. But forced rehabilitation could look very much like punishment, but with a different, non-malicious intent. It

I understand your point of view, and in theory I like to agree. However. Punishment is one thing—I think punishment speaks to and breeds vengefulness in the punishers (society, for example), and that's bad. But forced rehabilitation could look very much like punishment, but with a different, non-malicious intent. It

Oh, you know he has one somewhere. Sing the body electric indeed.

Oh, you know he has one somewhere. Sing the body electric indeed.

I cannot think of any potential problems with that!

I cannot think of any potential problems with that!

Good point. One thing that felt way off is that we've had 4 years of building up how he's "breaking bad" and last week he was at his absolute power-trippiest yet, but in this episode, a pile of money tames him completely? Seemed weird. Maybe it is the cancer. But the show kind of took an easy out, since they won't be