
Agree. I didn't see one routine that I really connected with, as I have in seasons past. Meh.

Look, there is nothing I can really add that hasn't already been said. When Skyler paid off Ted, she was obviously trying to save her family from prison. Was it a great idea? Probably not. It certainly didn't work out well. But A) Almost none of Walt's ideas work out well, usually to even greater consequence, and B)

Look, there is nothing I can really add that hasn't already been said. When Skyler paid off Ted, she was obviously trying to save her family from prison. Was it a great idea? Probably not. It certainly didn't work out well. But A) Almost none of Walt's ideas work out well, usually to even greater consequence, and B)

You are off your rocker.

You are off your rocker.

It's racist to orange people! Or no, racist to people who see in orange! Or, wait, I'll get it. It's racist because no one is really orange! But it would be okay if they were!  The only non-racist filter is a filter of rainbows. Everyone knows that!

It's racist to orange people! Or no, racist to people who see in orange! Or, wait, I'll get it. It's racist because no one is really orange! But it would be okay if they were!  The only non-racist filter is a filter of rainbows. Everyone knows that!

I don't think so. You should mention it! Go for it!

I don't think so. You should mention it! Go for it!

1. What reason in the world does Mike have NOT to kill Walt, and Jesse too, if need be? I have trouble with Mike's quick acquiescence to the whole thing. Seems like he would just handle shit and move on.

1. What reason in the world does Mike have NOT to kill Walt, and Jesse too, if need be? I have trouble with Mike's quick acquiescence to the whole thing. Seems like he would just handle shit and move on.

Problems with this article:

Problems with this article:

As an English major, I would like to go on record as finding this article fucking stupid.

As an English major, I would like to go on record as finding this article fucking stupid.

My main question for this show is this: what did you say in TWO SEASONS that you could not have said in two hours? Seriously. I would like to know.

My main question for this show is this: what did you say in TWO SEASONS that you could not have said in two hours? Seriously. I would like to know.

"How DARE you leave your family for your 'vision quest' after I went to trouble of killing your daughter. You have SO MUCH, still! It's not like I killed ALL of your kids. Yeesh."

"How DARE you leave your family for your 'vision quest' after I went to trouble of killing your daughter. You have SO MUCH, still! It's not like I killed ALL of your kids. Yeesh."

@avclub-277c2f993b721e0c7dbbc0ce73d2bc71:disqus It also raises the question of how Rosie came to have the super human powers to survive several strong blows to the head. After the first blow (which causes massive bleeding), she even takes a run through the woods! Then she gets the crap beat out of her head AGAIN, but