
@avclub-277c2f993b721e0c7dbbc0ce73d2bc71:disqus It also raises the question of how Rosie came to have the super human powers to survive several strong blows to the head. After the first blow (which causes massive bleeding), she even takes a run through the woods! Then she gets the crap beat out of her head AGAIN, but

This was, perhaps, the laziest finale I have ever witnessed. This whole season, The Killing was trying so hard! Not with much success, of course, but still. It was really trying. Adorable. And then they go and say "fuck it" for the final episode—the one where people actually might be watching. This episode contained:

This was, perhaps, the laziest finale I have ever witnessed. This whole season, The Killing was trying so hard! Not with much success, of course, but still. It was really trying. Adorable. And then they go and say "fuck it" for the final episode—the one where people actually might be watching. This episode contained:



This is probably the best idea I've read (in comments OR article). Todd goes way overboard what with his "masculine" shows versus "feminine" shows. Yeah. Like those are real things.

This is probably the best idea I've read (in comments OR article). Todd goes way overboard what with his "masculine" shows versus "feminine" shows. Yeah. Like those are real things.

Let me suggest a third alternative: hate is entirely misused, and the trend of dismissing any critique of anything as "hating" not to be listened to is actually a detriment to society. Yes, a detriment to society.

Let me suggest a third alternative: hate is entirely misused, and the trend of dismissing any critique of anything as "hating" not to be listened to is actually a detriment to society. Yes, a detriment to society.

He's kind of frat boy, date-rapey.

He's kind of frat boy, date-rapey.

He is, and it makes the show hard to watch for me. He is also sexist (in ways beyond just the perviness) and homophobic, and at times likes to remind us of this by dropping extremely inappropriate comments.

He is, and it makes the show hard to watch for me. He is also sexist (in ways beyond just the perviness) and homophobic, and at times likes to remind us of this by dropping extremely inappropriate comments.

I'm sorry, are you implying that something about this show does not align with reality? For shame.

I'm sorry, are you implying that something about this show does not align with reality? For shame.

The Linden thing epitomizes the problems with this show. I am left with two options: A) Linden is acting in character and intentionally using this reveal to spark some future action, in which case the writers are just sending viewers in circles, having Linden and Holder complete nonsensical actions (storming City Hall

The Linden thing epitomizes the problems with this show. I am left with two options: A) Linden is acting in character and intentionally using this reveal to spark some future action, in which case the writers are just sending viewers in circles, having Linden and Holder complete nonsensical actions (storming City Hall

This comment is useless, but then again, so is this show. I've been catching a few glimpses here and there this season, and I watched this episode. Here is what strikes me as problematic:

Well, I have to agree with you there. When Romano's arm got chopped off by the helicopter…that was just fucking awesome. But when the vengeful helicopter—animated by some unknown grievance Romano must certainly have committed against helicopters in general—came back to complete the unfinished job…that was just fucking

It's totally class, not race. My parents are white. They're conservative, Bible-belt Republicans and trust me—they hate all the shit on that list. My frined, on the other hand, is Mexican, and she loves almost everything on that list. Of course, when I brought this up when I was critiquing the concept, someone said,