
It's not about your personality. When people say "white people problems" or "first-world problems" they don't mean, "man, white/first-world people are such petty assholes." They mean "This is something that only people with my privilege would have the opportunity to complain about." The point is that impoverished

Do you know how many people in the first world don't have the luxury of "first-world problems" (hyphenation, bitches)? It's a vast mischaracterization, just like "white people problems." What we really mean when we say these things is "Non-poor people problems." It is entirely a class distinction: there are poor

Well, I watched because I have a problem looking away from things. I also don't have HBO. So.

Dates are the worst. There is nothing good to watch on a date. I hate dates. I hope never to go on one again. They ruin everything.

Oh, AVClub. More of "Did Your Liking That Thing You Like Ruin the World?"

I hate "Blow." BUT "Blah Blah Blah" is a great workout song. And by workout song, I mean that I will say it's a workout song when people find it on my iTunes, but I totally listen to it for the pure joy of it. It's so sleazy.
"Wanna dance with no pants on—Holla!"

This, along with "I'm a Slave 4 U," is the first thing that came to mind. These songs are sooooo good. And Britney is so often sooooooo bad.

I think TAL did play it to emphasize the craziness of this "drug war"; it's just that the cops don't see it at all, and that is infuriating.

Well, yeah, as a kiss off to Kanye, that song would really suck, since it's all about how she'll be rich and famous one day, unlike this fucker she's singing to, and Kanye is as rich and famous as she, if not richer and famouser.

Oooh, I wanna play. I've got one…Who? Oh, no wait. What? No, shit, been done. Okay, uh….When? Fuck. I can do this. Whence? Is that a question?: No.

I don't know about other people, but my intense hatred stems from the show's underlying thesis: everyone in this suburban American hell, with no dreams, or aspirations beyond being comfortable and staying exactly as they are, is A-OK. The "love" Todd says the characters have for one another is pretty paltry, and it

Oh hey. I was looking for the thread where I can express my sincere sadness at this news. It only took me until page three! Seriously, though, RIP. Another true icon from my childhood—and someone incredibly talented—meets an early demise.  Sad.

This is devastatingly emabarrassing. But…
when I was young—Shawn Hunter, Boy Meets World

Drake sucks so much. I don't even mind "feelings," but I don't understand how anyone can make comments like "Shame! In rap!" as though it's unheard of post Kanye. Drake is such a knock-off, and I simply cannot stand his voice. And maybe this isn't fair because I have never checked out his albums (because of the

Kelly's arguments don't work for the same reason this show can be featured in a column like this: the show itself made the broader strokes to create his "one, neurotic female" as a gender type. I recently watched a bunch of episodes on Netflix (I don't know…don't ask), and it is absolutely obsessed with gender roles.

Exactly. This is not some neutral but poorly made entertainment. Its worldview is downright misogynistic, and if we're NOT at least a little perturbed about that, then something is wrong with us. I'm disturbed that young women think this is a good model for their lives. There is nothing about being a "teenage girl"

What I don't understand is why this show is obsessed with ethnic stereotypes. I don't see this kind of shit on any other show. How does the idea to bring the lower class back to television—to make a show about broke young women—turn into "oh, and obviously, most of our jokes and plots will revolve around broad ethnic

I don't think our choices should be A) hypermasuline (whatever that means), or B) stupid dad. I mean, maybe those are the choices we're presented with, but there's a problem with the dichotomy on either side. I think (hope) the reviewers would be just as put-off if it were on the "oh, women are so smart and men just

Good choice. I, for one, am outraged. 

Yes, but I would argue that this is a better strategy than saying "You like this character. Let's try to turn him into someone you really can't stand the sight of"—like last season.