
Yeah, episodes 5-6…those are going to be a real drag. Slow as molasses with lots of La Guerta shit. But good lord, those last two episodes. I'll watch those and I'll see you back here next season.

That was highly disturbing. I made it (cringing) through the line "Yeah girl you heard what I said. I'm gonna make you wet the bed."
Yeah. That's vomit inducing.

For good reason. It IS unlikeable and Turner lacks intelligent analysis. 

I like Metcalf. Like, a lot.  I usually agree with him. But, then again, I also have no idea who those people are, and I haven't seen Drive, but I tend to dismiss most of the pop culture he dismisses. What I'm saying is, I am also clueless and arrogant. Grad school saw to that, and that's okay by me.

Is this where we talk about gender? I don't usually respond to the "hey laaadies!" cattle calls because, well, they're offensive. BUT. I'd like to talk about gender (isn't that just like a woman?).

That is a really good example (ILL). I know exactly what you mean. Interesting point.  Those episodes have kind of an extra layer of enjoyment because you watch and think "This is funny, and just listen to how she managed to entertain all those people." Very different than my response to laughter in contemporary shows.

So, 1. wouldn't that mean getting rid of laugh tracks would necessitate better quality shows and a purging of the garbage?

@jaime, those are some good points. I guess I can see this making a difference in the kinds of performances turned in. I just kind of wonder how important those differences are in a medium like television. I'll have to go back and look at those shows you mentioned for a more specific comparison. Right now, though, I

Question to your question: do we want them to? I am hard-pressed to come up with anything that forced audience laughter adds to a sitcom. Obviously, it takes away any shred of verisimilitude a show might attempt. And what do we get in place of it, other than a sense of existential loneliness when we realize there may

Can I get one of those shirts? Cuz, yeah, totally fuck Kindles. I don't even feel like making the argument anymore. I just want to walk around in my shirt and have everyone know…. fuck em.

You win. That was the worst.

Couldn't agree more…
with this review. This was such a good season, and last night was SO disappointing. From the opening disco number, things were lacking. That number was uninteresting, labored, and flat. When the judges started praising it, I knew we were in trouble.

I totally agree with Mr. Adams comment up there. I'm always surprised at the insistent optimism in some of these comments about change and technology. Whether or not your life has become easier should not be your only measure of evaluation.

@dazzlefresh: to take your "stupid question" seriously, I think that if we are unaware of the forces and factors that shape the cultural world, we give up complete control over our choices and become people that are "done to" by cultural rather than people that actively participate in it. Our tastes and selections are

Books and Change
I understand why many of the comments here respond with something like "things change. Easy is not bad. Stop whining." Things do change, easy isn't always bad. But I don't think all the arguments in the article are invalid. Just because things inevitably change doesn't mean we shouldn't seriously look

I teach at a college, and I must say that while I cannot vouch for children's programming—it could come from parents, or the educational system itself—current students are some entitled, self-important motherfuckers.

^ True story.

"Regardless of what happens or whether she did it or not, her life is more or less ruined."

@Abby Normal: you forgot "middle-to-upper class." When an adorable, white, middle-to-upper-class child gets killed…then everyone cares.

I really didn't even know this was going on until yesterday. Perhaps someone could answer the following questions that I'm too lazy/ashamed to look up: