
Looking at some of the comments above, it concerns me that much of the dancing on this show is becoming "types" of dance. There's the "out-there-but-not-too-far" flexed foot Sonya, there's the conceptual "fun" hip-hop, there's the emo contemporary meant to make you FEEL something, the sexified ballroom, and the goofy

I hated that Napp/Tab routine (I also hate calling them "NappyTabs," but damn, I don't wanna write out their names). Truly exemplary of their worst stuff. Waaaayyy too weighed down by a cheesy concept, and of course a song with lyrical content meant to precisely match the meaning of the routine. It reminded me of that

Is there something to say…
About the concept of this movie and the current fear/anger/angst over teachers' roles in the American educational system?

Personally, I wish she would stop trying to incorporate the title/theme of the song when she talks to the dancers after their routines, i.e. "Come here, you love addicts." It makes me feel awkward.

It lacked the right level of excitement, and their moves were not always in synch.

Yes, I really, really hate her and I don't even know why. Her face, that smile…ugh. Not that any dancer could have made that a good routine…

I fucking hated her. Beyond pointless. I cringed every time they had to throw to her and she invariable said some version "Gawd, I'm so old, I can't believe I'm allowed on telly with these young people. Woodpecker cackle."

I was thinking Gwen, too, but she has a very weird reaction to the whole Darren thing—the shocked, crying breakdown. It didn't seem so much like "Oh no, I did it." It seemed more like, "Oh my god, all of a sudden I think my boyfriend is a murderer." And no one else was around, so it's no like she had to put on a show

What is up with her? So, Richmond has been a suspect from DAY 1, but tonight, for some reason, seeing him interrogated makes her suspect he did it? Is there any explanation for this? Like, all of a sudden, she thinks, oh, wait, it was THAT night? And has a billion revelations. I mean, she has known this all

And Additionally…
After all the first-half hand-wringing and long-distance conversations between Linden and fiance, evidently all is well despite the fact that Linden took, like, another week to get out there and hasn't really talked to him lately. Ha ha. Made the audience get all worried for nothing!

"Why did she HAVE to die? Why did the killer feel they had no choice but to kill her?"

Also, if Holder is what he seems to be now, is that gas station owner in on it, too? I mean, we got to that gas station because Holder wouldn't stop adding numbers and he personally happened to know of this gas station on some previously unchecked street….

Yes, what was the point of Stan's scenes in general in this episode??? Basically, he went on some kind of reparations tour—the grave, the coma-widow, the house, Mitch. And I took….what….from this???

Yeah, my first thought with the last scene was "Oh, god, it's going to take them at least half a season to figure out that Belko did this."

I don't know what to make of Holder. I suspected him early on in the season (as being involved, not the killer) because of the way he waltzes into the case at the right moment and tries to push Linden out. However, at some point, he stopped trying to push Linden out, and I stopped suspecting him. However there were a

I was gonna say…Russian folk dance. They totally (deservedly) got called out. To call out a regular is pretty rare. I wish they'd do it more.

@Ira—yes, that's what I want. "Hard hitting." These were soooooo soft. I was really expecting the judges to say that the dancers didn't "attack" the routines. But, a major part of the problem was the choreography itself.

Agree, agree, agree. I love hip-hop as a genre, and these two routines were disappointing. In particular, the "F You" routine really, really lacked, I thought. Seemed kind of just slapped together, and neither routine had the arresting impact that the best hip-hop routines have. Hope they have some other

I Don't know about the exact numbers, but I agree in general that this show is ridiculously heteronormative, especially for a show that features so many gay people. It clings to gender roles and sexist bullshit too, which again, seems really silly.

I'm not sure I see Gwen running through the woods at night, chasing after a teenage girl (and catching her). But I doubt Darren did it, since the last five minutes of the last episode are promised to send us all into a terrific mindfuck.