
The Moth
I kind of hated that story. Like I had to stop it. I was getting angry at the narrator. Reed seemed incredibly narcissistic to me, turning her father's funeral into an occasion to feel weird about the fact that she has to face friends and family that she has consciously cut out of her life (by not telling

New Tag Line:
Who Cares About Rosie Larsen?

Several of the intriguing scenes in the pilot included Linden's strong intuition. I'm thinking of her looking out at the field where the sweater was found, seeing the girls with fishing rods, and saying "Then where are they going?" Or the scene with Rosie's bike and her asking Mitch if she had a daughter. These

@The Quirk: you're right. Overweight black women get all the breaks.

Well, there is a difference between fructose and other sugars, actually. Other sugars are processed by every cell in the body and converted to energy. Fructose is only processed by the liver, which is why it doesn't trigger insulin, and may be more correlated to weight gain. They also trigger different responses in

Right. They won't let her say down on you, as they didn't last year with Bower. But she did mess up the other part.

That one made me laugh out loud.

No one needs to defend Perfect Couples. But would I rather watch Perfect Couples or Outsourced? It's not even close. So it's weird that this keeps making me turn off my TV at 10:30, while PC stopped making me channelsurf a while back.


Whoever the killer is, they presumably are going to connect Rosie to Bennet to Darren to Muhammad to Belko to Stan to those crazy school kids to maybe the mayor?

Who is Rosie?
I think the show is in danger of letting us lose sight of its main obsession. We see the effects of Rosie everywhere, but we actually know little about her. In an episode like last night's, we moved further away from her, learning absolutely nothing new about her life.

I think the main problem that last night's episode brought to light for me is not that there are too many suspects, but that there are many, and yet the show keeps playing us like there's only one. I actually found myself wishing for the days when this show would switch its suspicions weekly. At this point, unless I'm

Anyway, the real point here is that SHAWN was the one my tween self was lusting after.


There was an episode late—C &T's honeymooon, I think?—where Eric follows them around an island dressing up like various people and carving coconut heads. The crisis is, he never wants to return home. Yeah, this show was awesomely weird at the end.

"We'll always remember he was this tall."

That episode is friggin awesome. The show in general, whenever it got a little crazy and at times self-referential was pretty cool. Also, actually still funny when I see a rerun.

The speech is mightier
I love that Phillip has such a belief in the power of his own rhetoric that he thinks he will literally be able to wipe out all ill will towards him in one swoop at the final tribal.

Beyond Over
This show cut the legs out from under its whole premise with House hitting the bottom, rehabing, and trying to be a normal guy. Now it's just spinning its wheels. It's got nowhere to go. The bite is gone.

Oooooh. I like that second one.