
Holder Holder Holder
Are we absolving him? I've been stuck on the notion that—given his seemingly desperate financial state and his affinity for large sums of money—he was somehow paid off by the mayor's campaign to cover up something, making Richmond look bad/ruining his campaign. He gets transferred to the

Or maybe, TSAJay, there is a HOLE in your heart, if you would never spend a couple hundred to say good-bye to a fixture in your life.

@aywkubttdi—I'm feel bad for you because of your awful taste.

But without Tom returning, you wouldn't have the pull for Huck between his childhood self and his maturing self, and he wouldn't ultimately be able to go off and forge his own path through the woods, leaving Tom and childish ways behind, which is perhaps one of the BEST endings a book has had because of its defined

Yes, but after trudging through Weeds, you have to wonder whether the series should have ended earlier, or whether it just never should have started in the first place.

I refuse
to learn to love her. Do you know what I saw on that website when I clicked the link? Do you know the horror?

Hey, I may be dumb and awkward, but I'm not a guy. And I heart me some drunk dancing to "fun club music" (judge if you must). But BEPs are my cue to head back to the bar and wait for a better song (read: any other song).

Wait, you can dance to "Boom Boom Pow"? I can think of a millioin better dance songs. A million at least.

"Where are these holy men?"

A late return to the party:

Just a follow-up: if we're still going to insist that schools have thriving athletic programs (I'm pretty sure that we are), then tuition, I think, is payment. I do feel that many student-athletes are exploited because of the mindset of the schools. The schools want them to do their "job," and they don't care if the

How about this instead? We stop pretending that these people are "student-athletes," stop making them attend classes that they either A) fail, or B) have a teacher "do them a favor" in, and just call a hault to the whole charade.

OP…come on, now. Right, sure, I am certain Rebecca Black's SECOND idea for the "Friday" video would have looked almost just like that "Bad Romance" vid. Because Lady Gaga clearly has nothing more to say than Rebecca Black. And Gaga wants nothing more than to be the hot, stupid girl, a la Perry.

Wait, so Chris Brown's goal is for us all to think of him in the same way we think of Charlie Sheen? ….okay???

That's a good question. I'm trying to figure out why this is bothering me so much, as I usually have little concern for any kind of moral accountability.

Being honest isn't stupid; treating honesty as the only thing that matters is stupid. Being honest doesn't make you a good, worthwhile person. I would prefer that the show have some standards for its characters other than honesty.

Right. The show has settled for stupid. In fact, it flaunts praise for stupidity more than it flaunts its sexuality. Everyone is "good" if they are honest, into over-sharing, and emotional. Increasingly, this is annoying me. Increasingly, the characters all seem like the same, stupid person.

Agree. This episode was a mess and actually reminded me of all the reasons Glee is a terrible, poorly executed show. As you say several times above, Todd, it was "a mess." All over the place, no sense of tone. Lest we forget we are a week away from Regionals, and, uh, I don't think these people care anymore. About the

This is a great article! You're right: my pre-teen self totally saw myself—and wanted very much to see myself—in Clarissa. And a very good point about how this is a far better thing than seeing yourself in Hannah fucking Montana.

"As mentioned above, the argument is cumulative, not specifically point by point. I'd agree with you that you can find any number of shows that share any one of the five points, but I'm hard-pressed to think of another show on the air right now that shares all five. "