St. God

I didn't care for the episode, I didn't dislike it. It was a sort of mid-point episode; slightly better than the Kate episode (only because, likely, Kate's character is just not very well written for). An average episode to me. The scene with Locke and Kate talking and the scene where we see Widmore and the pylons

This isn't a spoilers, it's a sort of "retro-spoiler" I guess, but originally Ilana was to be revealed in the Ben episode to be Jacob's daughter (as opposed to the line "the closest thing to a father"). This apparently leaked out before the season started, and it was changed. Not sure what the hell that

I agree that Charlotte seemed "jammed in." However, in context of the flash-sideways, a lot of it feels "jammed in" I guess. Really, I don't have the same problem some seem to have in appreciating them, and I don't need to know right this second what the point or the resolution to them is - I trust the show to give

I totally agree. I thought this episode was okay, but I'd only put it above the Kate episode this season. Last week's was much better, in my opinion. Cringe-worthy dialogue or not. I feel like the attitude here is that grades don't actually matter all that much, but it is strange to me that last week's episode,

Star Trek V: In Thy Image
Okay, so I found this. Probably no one is still reading here, but here it is anyway:

Stacey, I love you.

The sort of "instant family member" thing is a well Star Trek went to several times, right?

Could be. I can see an argument for it not being A Great Film, but I still think it is a pretty good Trek film. Just for some of the moments alone, really. Jesus, the stealing of the Enterprise scene, and some of the camaraderie, is worth the price of admission.

I agree. My biggest point of contention with this movie was its shitty treatment of the characters. I mean, they're all basically fucking dumb. The ship doesn't fucking work - even the ship is treated without dignity! I mean, I remember when it blew up in III, and it - in my opinion - completely earned the

Totally agree with the space battle in VI. Well done. Having Chang annoyingly quote and yell shit during it, taunting, made the point where he looks "oh shit" at them about to be destroyed. I am pretty sure I "whooped" in my seat in that part.

If I recall, it wasn't Koenig's fault he wasn't a voice actor on the animated series, right? They couldn't afford to pay all the actors, and couldn't afford apparently the extra buck fifty to pay Walter to do a voice.

The Borg definitely became the Daleks of Star Trek.

Hmmm. The ranking here are pretty good, but why is III always so low? I still really like III. It's basically a transition film, but I think it has more good moments in it than any of the TNG films, and perhaps even than the Abrams one. I mean, the stealing of the Enterprise, "Klingon bastards killed my son", the

Toupee, probably way after you've stopped reading this thread, but if you like ComEd, check out Supercasanova. It was a newer - and seemingly one-off project - of The Millionaire from Com Ed. And it is FANTASTIC. Not excotica - though there are some exotica flourishes of course - and gets compared to things like

I saw VI in the theater, and again, I was quite young. The first thing that struck me about it was how much darker it seemed from the Star Trek I had experienced growing up. I can pretty clearly remember the opening credits with its dark theme music and credits. In my mind, all these years later, that initial

I saw V in the theater also, and I remember liking it. I was probably 8 or 9. I also kinda knew it sucked; I remember being momentarily horrified at Kirk falling off the mountain - not because I was worried for Kirk, but because of the way Spock caught him an inch before the ground. Lame. Over the years I also

I picked up a Combustible Edison CD on a whim in the late 90s as a teenager, and briefly had an exotica phase. It's fun music, though I found it wasn't sustainable as a real sort of obsession or anything.

Why can't MIB be stabbed? But Jacob can? Maybe I missed something, but it is weird how easily (relatively speaking) Jacob can be killed, but Sayid stabbed MIB and he couldn't be hurt by it.

I don't care too much for these episodes. I agree with a "C" rating for The Cloudminders. It's just not a great episode.

"Nor I a work of art"
Spock might have been mildly rapey towards Droxamine or Dramamine or Diphenhydramine or whatever her name is. (I actually didn't find her all that attractive - though that's an awesome outfit - and I would have been more rapey towards the other chick).