St. God

Also one of my favorite episodes. The story might be ludicrous, but I always thought it was well done. Also, when I was growing up, this episode didn't air with the rest so I didn't see it until a few years later, so it always had a sort of "new" quality to it.

Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work.

I've been awake for three days. Three. I just love those amphetamines. Got to love them. Got to.

You're watching whales? Fuck the whales.

Mood's a thing for cattle and loveplay, not fighting!

If we walk without rhythm, we won't attract the worm.

Five rounds rapid

YES. The tunnel! Thanks! I must look that one up.

The Orifice
I'm drunken posting, but anytime I think of The Office I remember a time when someone with an extreme accent was recommending the show to me and he pronounced it "The Orifice." As in: "Have you seen The Orifice? You should really check it out."

Name that sketch
Christ in a sidecar, this writeup brings back memories. I totally forgot about The State. I watched it as a kid; I faintly remember a sketch that was always my favorite but I can't remember which episode it is in, what it was called, etc. (And yes, I tried Google).

Now anytime I think of Tupac (which admittedly isn't often) I can't not think of this:


Can anyone please tell me what kind of run this guy had?

No, it was Woody Allen. The Google cleared that one up.

As I said above, I loved the lines in this episode. The "burning house" line is great too.

Shatner's Delight
(Set to "Rapper's Delight")

Commies In My Car is a great band name.

I first heard of "slash fiction" from a bit on some documentary or show that showed a lot of Data and Tasha Yar porn. Which in a way isn't horrible to imagine. I heard some radio thing that intercut old TOS quotes to make a sort of audio slash fiction between Kirk and Spock and they talked at some point about their

DCRJ, did you really write "Star Trek Diaries"? That's fucking hot. I mean, now it is, you being an adult now. Uh, I'm just going to stop there.

That and the gameplay between the toys and the show sucked ass. I remember having the little spaceship that Captain Power sat in and if the TV guns "hit" you, he's fly out of the ship due to "damage." I was excited as a small child until the show came on and it was fucking lame. I seem to remember it was harshly