
Demanding "Git gud"/ platitudes about bootstraps has been the prescription for colored poor folk for decades.

Yeah, we dodged the "electing a malignant narcissist" bullet for sure…

Except Chappelle is the same guy who quit a mega-hit show because he felt uncomfortable about the way certain white segments of his audience laughed. That sounds as if Chappelle believes his comedy holds "political" implications.

Comedians often want to have it both ways. They'll bask in the adulation of being "noble satirists bringing truth to power", yet don't want accountability beyond "Hey, man, just jokes!"

I recall how uncomfortable I've felt being "one of the good ones" among white people expressing disdain for black people. Therefore, I can sympathize with the idea of gay people "passing" being a double-edged sword.

Yes, "in writing" and "in practice" are two different things. You're being pedantic to the point of sounding like an asshole in insisting black people have it worst in all scenarios, though.

Yet, black men secured the right to vote and a candidate of their demographic elected president first. It's almost as if discrimination/oppression isn't purely hierarchical…

In terms of expectations, what you suggested would be the equivalent of buying Suzie a stripper pole because she said she wants to be a professional dancer when she grows up.

No. All of this "optimism" hinges on the toppling of one-dimensional villains in a world where violence reins supreme.

Please explain. These past couple of seasons have been some of the worst offenders, unless you're confusing tone and content.

Game of Thrones is nihilistic. The Walking Dead is even more so.

Hey, I never said "that guyses" were unique or singular.

You're already "that guy" bashing a popular show in its sub-forum.

What amazes me is that people will dismiss The Wire as bleak, despite it being packed with goofy character beats, levity, and hope spots, yet tune in for empty calorie nihilism like this.

Oh no. Popular Character died. Negan is so much worse than the last wannabe despot. Never have we seen these characters face such meaningless brutality before…

This looked like the sort of self-important vanity project Chris Rock parodied in Top Five even without two of its creators most likely being rapists. Hard pass.

I'll just say that I love how Jefferson's "bloody revolution" quote is viewed as apt when fighting against the tyranny of high taxes, but those slaves ought to have had a more measured response against literal bondage.

Let's be fair: Jessica is good-looking, but a guy like Luke would be exiled from the black community if he turned down Misty for her. Sister is built like a brick house with a mind to match.

There's a difference between letting a show build because it has complexity and deliberation and a middlebrow show dragging its feet.

I'm hopefully coming at this from an angle against specious over-intellectualizing rather than an "anti-SJW" bent, but sometimes two hot people fucking is just two hot people fucking.