
In terms of writing, the first episode was pretty par for the course. Some good quips and witticisms mixed with clunky exposition and police procedural tropes (I've had my fill of "two detectives kneel over a body and banter" scenes).

Seriously, that's a "punch a motherfucker in his jaw and nobody better say shit to you" comment if I've ever seen one from McCain's perspective.

Bland appeals to compassion (i.e. "Can't we all just get along?") and pointing out that any institution or ideology devised by human beings is flawed aren't challenging viewpoints either, though. Indiscriminate satire says nothing meaningful because few things are equal.

No, I'm being pedantic.

Can I point out that the show and its fans see no problem in equating feces between two slices of bread and a bottle of water (whose only "gross" aspect is its relation to vaginas)?

Yet, one of them will wind up president. Picking who lines up with your beliefs more would be hard, though, and require you to assess what you value and what you're willing to sacrifice toward a larger end.

Those people are fucking idiots incapable of nuance.

The problem with false equivalence in this case is semantic. Given how superficial most political discussion tends to be in the US, emphasizing phrases like "both" and "neither" while disregarding specifics and degree favors the worse side. There ain't no two sides to the truth. Sometimes, "the other side" is just a

I'm going to be the oddball that dismisses the opinion of a user named after the glib and brazen mass exchange of stolen nude celebrity photos.

More like "You've Got Mail."

I'll take something as broad and cartoony as this over yet another masterfully-crafted-but-monochromatic crime drama.

"At one point, Cammy gets into a fight with a random middle-aged Brazilian police officer named Peter…"

I survived Halloween 2008 where every greasy-haired white boy was The Joker. This too shall pass.

Either these scenes were essential, in which case Snyder (ordered to shave an hour and a half from this bloated farce) chose to cut characterization and plot while leaving in useless bullshit like the Knightmare sequence, or idiots are being duped into buying a movie spliced with the deleted scenes you normally

Dumb ass aliens blow up damn near the whole street yet stop right at my dad's house.

Quiet fiasco aside, Kojima has been the patron saint of fetishizing man-ass. One has every contour of Snake's taut hind quarters seared into their cornea after marathon sessions of Metal Gear Solid 2 or 4.

I agree with Incogneato, it's not weird at all:

My only thing is who would consider "able to choke out Mystique" a barometer for badassness and shit getting real? It'd be like if Marvel had a poster of Ultron putting Hawkeye in a half-nelson: it'd tell me nothing except Hawkeye kind of sucks and ought to have stayed in the jet.

We'll always have Taylor Kitsch's anguished blowjob face.

Hence my caveat: "But hell, this is just me wishing for more Spider-Man scenes because Holland and Downey Jr. have such good chemistry and I'd prefer if half the movie was just Tony hitting on Aunt May and becoming "Uncle Tony"…"