

First off, having followed Korey and the gang since the Spill days, it's so bizarre to see "Carlyle" penning blockbusters.

Right, because if there's anything Star Wars lacks in pop culture, it's recognition.

Please don't veer into revisionism where characters like Ellen Ripley never existed, Leia sat around looking pretty in that bikini for the entire trilogy, and no Strong Female Lead TM was ever conceived prior to last year.

You're literally arguing with someone over the sky being blue.

True, but there is a rational reason for Batman not to kill:

The DCEU under Snyder just strikes me as the equivalent of watching rowdy teenagers and twenty-somethings take over the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese and convert it to their weed-smoking spot while spouting half-baked Nietzsche-isms and painting all of the balls black and grey.

My prepaid phone won't even talk to me!

Shut it down, people. We have the comment we've all been waiting for.

This is simply an agree-to-disagree issue.

Luke had Obi-Wan, though. Rey just does shit she's never heard about and has it handwaved by "the Force".

True, but it's all veering back into "midichlorian count/ Skywalker = Space Jesus Clan" territory where who wins is based on an abstract quantification of power (i.e. power levels). "Ooh, her Space Juju is through the roof!" isn't exciting to me.

Where the fuck did they get the money, manpower, and infrastructure to build that thing if they're not backed by some government?

That's right. Anyone who doesn't agree with you has ulterior motives. That's a mature mindset that will get you places in lifeā€¦

In A New Hope, I assumed the stormtroopers were conscripted from their home planets as adults, not engineered to be soldiers since birth.

I feel like they've overshot their goal of "recreating the glory" a tad when they have their own planet that eats stars and shits out five Death Star beams.

The rehash aspect surprisingly didn't bother me (there is a facile element to labeling any entrance into a bar setting "A Cantina scene"), but the movie practically Xeroxed the dynamic on the bad guy's ship from the first film.

Oh. We're in the "Fuck the haters" phase after the contrarians made an early run. Okay, then.

Based off the script:

The first half of Death Proof is great. I can't articulate why, but I found Arlene to be such a fascinating character even before her lap dance catapulted her into the stratosphere for me.