
To me, it's a three-legged chair. Pretty. Lovingly-crafted from the finest woods and upholstery. It doesn't stand. I wish some of that effort went into a fourth leg. I can live with thin characters and a functional plot; these were borderline-absent.

No, I'm saying Baby Driver obeying the laws of physics is the only thing distinguishing it from the F&F movies in regard to being a dumb Looney Tunes car flick filled with stock characters, story gaps, and bad dialogue.

It's a diegetic soundtrack, guys. Are we pretending coordinating image and sound hasn't been foundational filmmaking since the talkies? Can I point you to music videos?

Y'all are really letting that "Better than BvS and Suicide Squad" hype take y'all to some hyperbolic places. Comments like "What flaws?" wouldn't be valid for [insert film classic]", so much as for a formulaic origin story that ends in a CG dumpster fire.

Was that established in the movie, or is that just comic book canon?

You're truly underselling how "weird" the part where WW suddenly starts doing these hokey stop-motion Flash poses was. It felt jarring. Like the visual equivalent of watching an engaging speaker suddenly have a stroke mid-sentence and sputter and drool all over the dais.

How can anyone defend that third act?

This was boring. Like, Jesus, how much time do y'all have to waste while TV shows spin their wheels? A movie can be finished and fulfilling in and of itself by the hour and a half mark. I'm two episodes into this and all I've seen is a man-child terrorize his old acquaintances like a headless chicken and soap-opera

It's more the fact that Hollywood doesn't even consider the possibility of Asian actors unless kung fu is involved, but now doesn't even bother casting them for those roles.

The fact that extreme right-wing assholes pull the same, "In Muslim countries, they throw gays off buildings!" deflection ought to very clearly illustrate that people will co-opt and discard positions for the sole purpose of maligning perceived enemies in an argument, no?

No. Reagan Battalion dug up dirt on Milo because he was invited to CPAC around the same time and, apparently, conservatives do more research on potential guests than Maher does.

I would agree with this, and I don't want to downplay how inept and witch-hunty discourse on liberal issues has been, but the identity politics angle is the one that clarifies to me all of the strange political bedfellows and ideological crossbreeding I've been witnessing lately.

He's expanding the definition to include Libertarians, which is what he actually is.

Problem is that arguing religion isn't as simple as idea vs idea.

I didn't mention Islam at all, but I will say that "Islamophobia" has a tendency to veer toward racism Trojan-horsed inside of religious criticism.

… On a different program… years prior…

As far as intellectual scrutiny goes, do you hardnosed Reddit-Atheists want to hitch your "reals over feels" wagon to a guy who, as late as 2014, argued vaccine-skepticism and invited on the doctor that "cured" Charlie Sheen's AIDS to talk up the merits of "non-Western medicine"?

This film in microcosm:

Rogue One was better than The Force Awakens for me, and there was actually a point where it was right underneath Empire Strikes Back for my favorite Star Wars experience ever, but the filmmakers snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

While I don't think the twist is the point, I think it's premised on disingenuous presentation on the director's part. I can't really say how without getting into spoilers.