
Considering most rape isn't "knife-wielding maniac jumps out from the bushes" rape, isn't all of this "Be mindful of your surroundings" hand-wringing virtually meaningless?

Goddamnit, article, I'm at work!

Too clever by half… in that it's halfway clever. Dial it back, Mamet.

If a seeming utopia descends into anarchy and chaos soon after you arrive, maybe you're the problem…

Why is piecing together a conspiracy (which in this case hinges on contrivances bordering on the preposterous) viewed as inherently interesting or worthwhile?

You may be right, but considering how unremarkable this summer's TV season has been…

I'm sure she means it in terms of "tropes" (I know, a word almost as dreaded as "problematic").

Which, in terms of prestige dramas, is a polite D.

Scapegoating some psycho hillbilly Groundskeeper Willie isn't an example of that "tadaa"?

Both current seasons of True Detective and Orange is the New Black suck.

Critics hate returning shows: except for The Wire… and The Sopranos… and Deadwood… and Breaking Bad… and Mad Men… and Orange is the New Black… and House of Cards… and Game of Thrones… and Justified… and Orphan Black… and Jane the Virgin… and Hannibal… and [insert countless other critically-acclaimed shows].

You're fucking crazy! That shit was a B-. Minimum.

All while complaining, "I wish people would stop comparing me to my parents! I'm my own thing!" without realizing he's only being given the benefit of the doubt due to his pedigree.

Why do people get so fixated on arbitrary numerical/ letter scores like a bunch of Mongoloids? It's the reviewer's opinion; going "I thought it was [marginally better score]" has no bearing on said reviewer's opinion.

The sad part is a similar line about bandwidth was awesome when Boyd Crowder said it on Justified.

While I liked it, I can understand why others didn't like season 2: it had relatively uninteresting characters (the stevedores minus Frank Sobotka) in compelling situations.

I just think how well-adjusted I might be if my dad's love and approval came as easily as the AV staff's…

What television really needs is another examination of white masculinity.

This just strikes me as burning the house down to hide pissing the sheets.

Then Marty goes, "What's scented meat?" with a slack-jawed look on his face as if he's suddenly dropped 20 IQ points and too stupid to keep up with all them ten dollar words.