
Well, that depends on whether or not the finale sucks, no?

Why even bother making a Deadshot mask like they're going to let fucking Will Smith spend more than two minutes with his face covered in this movie?

You're making excuses.

You're welcome either way.

Trust me, if any writer is petty enough to directly address a dissenter on AV Club, it's David Simon. I love the man and The Wire, but I've literally seen him get into back-and-forths on his blog with a poster who dared question the wisdom of season 5.

More like Walton Goggins. That widow's peak is the DBZ universe's strongest fighter.

In the wake of EDM Spidey, can we really act shocked? Sometimes the executives win.

Never mind taking a parable that's so common it's become idiomatic and treating it as if those two cops were about to be floored by this bit of biblical scholarship.

That last fight was awful.

Huh. I stand corrected.

Which came first? I remember the Manic Pixie Dream Girl going back to Garden State. I think that's when the particular term was coined, at least. The ice cold bitch needing a good dicking down goes back a bit further, I feel.

That clip was awful.

That teaser bordered on self-parody.

Jesus! I didn't even see Prometheus on his list. My brain tried to spare itself an aneurysm.

Skyfall was the one you objected to most on a "perfect score" list? Not The Hunger Games: Caching Fire or The Wolverine?

"Daredevil is by far the most efficient character for a procedural. He makes arrests and then lawyers the shit out of everything. If only he also spent time as nurse there would be no need for any other shows."

Rummaging through a Wendy's bag while pulling out the drive-thru doesn't count as fingering a redhead.

Adjusted for inflation, the "good tip" he left comes out to about $605. Try leaving that and get back to us with the results.

Even John Teti admitted he made a mistake when another poster pointed it out.

I shouldn't be able to delete a post and replace it in the time it takes you to reply with a single sentence, either.