
EDIT: Somebody already pointed out the Midge thing.

This fat motherfucker…

Well, considering "problematic" is an attempt to be diplomatic and the alternative is to call someone or something specifically "bigoted/ racist/ sexist/ etc.", is it fair for me to point out that the umbrage isn't at the word choice, but the accusation itself?

You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to HELL!

"Ridiculously over the top" sums up that entire relationship. It was played as comedy, these two quasi-gay live-in criminals clutching onto one another in hysterics, but the emotion was sincere.

Carl was only willing to shoot Boyd because Boyd used him and his brother as decoys while he absconded with 10 million dollars.

As good an actor as Forest Whitaker is, I've always felt his 'theatrical' style of acting clashed with everyone else's naturalistic performances and this disconnect is painfully apparent in the first few episodes of season 5.

Slim Charles is my fave. Unquestioning loyalty is a hard trait to sell in this age of unfettered individualism, but dude was the most "ride or die" nigga in existence. If he said he was with you, he was with you. No qualifications on it.

Nick couldn't possibly be blander than any character from the newsroom arc in season 5. The fact you remembered his name puts him leagues above… perky newsgirl and black guy who followed Bubbles around.

I literally scrolled down to this comment right as I was thinking, "Why can't we get more challenging religious movies like The Last Temptation of Christ?"

Fair point.

When is this season coming out?

You summed up my opinion with the "It's good headphone music."

Hey, I knew that last one! The 'figuratively' one, too!

Dude deserves a round of applause for… Oh! You meant gonorrhea.

Can an episode not be "fascinating, well-acted, and brilliantly directed" AND jarring for how out of place it is/ seems?

You state that last sentence like a fact.

Since when is a very qualified "B'' surrounded by gushing praise irritating contrarianism?

I'm on his side in regard to being a contrarian ass against this show on principle and even I found myself asking, "What is this idiot talking about?"

You're saying that a bit too emphatically.