
Hey, now, my dad's one of those grandmothers obsessed with The Vision. He's been waiting for this moment since, like, 1999.

Try the Escapist if you want to be disappointed by a place that wasn't always a cesspit for knuckle-dragging jackasses.

Cat meows; dog barks.

It depends.

One deals with pieces of shit all day and the other works on septic tanks.

I think it's pretty goddamn condescending to assume the person "literally working with shit" has no insight into their own capabilities or their own plight and that you, despite having seen little of their life, have enough insight to dictate what's best for them.

Wow, criticizing an Oscar darling really tears away the veneer of AVClub being full of the "civil" and "progressive-minded". Almost as bad as the Youtube comments section up in here.

Fair enough.

Read the article, you ask?

They're the picture pro-choicers put on their signs to counter the mutilated fetuses.

Wow, swing and a miss there, partner.

You cretin.

I'm saying the same "deliberate pacing" argument was bandied about whenever someone argued "nothing happened".

See, I think a lot of these comments are self-congratulatory bullshit. Let me use Fargo as an example.

People have a nasty habit of doing that. Time being linear (from our perspective) and all…

I loved how the faux-documentary BS was just present enough to spoil the movie, but swiftly abandoned as a useless gimmick.

Guys, guys! They're both stupid.

That's what Dominos did when they got their new recipe.

[Falls out of chair]

For me, whiny as it may be, the problem was watching the original trilogy back-to-back.