
If we're going to spiral into the quagmire of meta-commentary, anyway, I should point out the most likely and well-documented explanation: the original draft (Alien: Engineers) was cannibalized by Lindeloff and Scott (who at one point had to be gently reminded about gravity by the writer) and the resulting plot holes

[Can't tell if trolling]

Oh no, I generalized and resorted to hyperbole as a rhetorical device without parsing out every exception.

And Aliens turned that into a pretty deft and consistent metaphor for the horrors of motherhood which builds off the Freudian aspects (or less pretentiously/ inaccurately, dick-stuff) of the first movie.

I can't take y'all seriously when it comes to the Alien franchise.

Even a porn studio would go, "A little subtext, please?"

They're also fucking cartoons, man.

Stating obvious facts is creepy? The sky is blue. Fish swim. Things fall down.

It feels so 70s.
Also, RIP Pete's hairline. You fought valiantly. Now rest, sweet prince.

Right, we're just a bunch of run-of-the-mill narcissists.

Why Jane gotta be the one bad at math?

True, but it's not like True Detective is immune to the word "derivative". Look up Thomas Ligotti and you'll find where Cohle got his philosophy from.

We're all patrons of the fine arts.
Mathematics be scary.

Can we have a vote? Everyone in favor of Bill Cosby being referred to only as "Oh, fuck, this creepy piece of shit again" from now until forever say, "Ay".

Can't possibly be funnier than that episode where the Rihanna stand-in gets killed during a cutaway by the Chris Brown stand-in. Impossible.

There's no reason to put on a mask and cape and declare yourself protector of your city, yet I'm still rooting for Batman over The Joker. Just sayin'.

But you see, there's a generic template for films set in high schools.

Careful what you wish for, kids.


While "namechecking" a poster out-of-turn was a dick move, for which I apologize and have been made to look silly for, was I wrong for assuming the "Or" of the next sentence would indicate I was no longer referring to her specifically?