
Treat patrons of violent media like they're too stupid to distinguish a fantasy where the mores of the real world don't apply from reality, and you'll rightly be called out as an obnoxious busybody making sweeping generalizations. Do the same to teenage girls for "getting funny ideas from them boy bands" or women for

You're obviously glossing over the fact that women are silly and impressionable creatures whose ways befuddle rational men.

The thing more annoying than the fans (who, to be fair, are practically invisible to me) are the dissenters suddenly becoming schoolmarms and puritans in their disapproval.

I just wasn't tuned into the "popular music" this year.

That cold open was just the BB crew running laps. Worth the price of admission alone.

I tuned in just in time to watch the black guy get thrown in a ditch.

The story wasn't that great. Or rather, it was horribly told. You literally couldn't distinguish between the main story missions and arbitrary side missions because the plot was so disparate that any mission you took didn't appear driven by any particular character goal or sense of urgency. Each act is a long string

If I'm being frank, I don't find the earlier seasons all that darkly comic, either. I remember early Breaking Bad as much for long "atmospheric" scenes and pregnant pauses as hijinks. I added "latter" to dodge being derailed by that exchange of opinions. So much for that.

Dramas having comic relief doesn't automatically make them comedies. It's honestly pretty typical.

Can we just go ahead and make a new gender for motherfuckers like this? AlphaDickWolf or something?

Whoomp, there it is.

That ought to be life's credo: Whatever you do, no matter how cartoonishly stupid, just commit.

To be fair, your kids probably wouldn't die from having the TV fall on them. At least not all of them. One would take the brunt of the impact while the other(s) coped with survivor's guilt.

I'm sick of all this sentimentalist bullshit in Super Bowl ads like buying Coca-Cola is the equivalent of fighting for country and achieving world peace.

Not gonna lie. That picture in the article got me wondering, "What the fuck is Olivia Pope doing in that bathroom looking like she stumbled off the set of Django Unchained?"

His head looks photoshopped on, but in real-life. Like, I don't even…

Is it possible Hirsch thought she was choking and is just really bad at the Heimlich?

I feel like Slim Charles.

This sums it up.

Well, looks like I'm buying a suit for Sunday. Grandma was right. I now see that the end is nigh and it's time to get my life right with Jesus and his father Jehovah.