
That's some untouchable, Noah Cross-at-the-end-of-Chinatown shit right there.

My stance, going back to The Social Network at least, is don't make up a fictional character pretty much whole-cloth only to slap a real person's name and history onto him/her.

Even the girl in front of me who needed it explained by her friend (slowly and repeatedly) that Gargantua was a black hole and not Saturn snorted derisively at that horseshit.


I feel like the "counter-regressive" end of the spectrum has become as reductionist as the regressive end.

I feel websites could save a lot of time and manpower by simply posting "FUCK BILL COSBY" or "YEP, COSBY IS STILL AN ASSHOLE RAPIST" every few days.

Why is everyone acting like Viola Davis ain't the shit acting-wise? She's a phenomenal actress and is about as good a casting as one could hope for.

This is my problem with the rise of "dramedy".

He's a butcher. Coming home with his clothes covered in blood is his baseline. Just think about that.

That'll do, Xanderpuss, that'll do.

I agree Sonia's "The Leftovers" reviews were pretty awful, but let's not pretend that maudlin, meandering horseshit was too dense to parse or too high-brow.

This is the one show I'll judge someone's character based on whether or not they "love" it. It's the "Atlas Shrugged" of TV for Liberals.

FX actually bought it, but passed on it because they felt they didn't need another show with a gritty antihero. Who would with a visionary like Kurt Sutter and a gem like Sons of Anarchy over the horizon, right? HBO just plain wasn't interested.

Breaking Bad, too.

Seriously, how does Nolan juggle "hard sci-fi" with something as lowest-common denominator as "Love conquers all!" all while being comically-serious and deadpan?

The pro-Nolan backlash has been pretty civil, so I can't pull the "Nolan Fanboy" card as a means of dismissal, but I can't believe "Christopher Nolan is not a very emotive filmaker…" (rather than the more direct jab at his fanbase following immediately after) is the point of contention.

Wait a second… this movie has "that scene"?

Let me put it a different way. Let's say she was actually raped. If you were watching a show with a female protagonist and she was raped by the male primary antagonist at the end of each season, wouldn't you find that a bit exploitative and excessive? I think so. Why, then, am I supposed to be impressed, rather than

Amon bloodbended how many men before he did the same to Korra? Did you think of him as a metaphorical rapist throughout the season in those instances, where he "fucked with [their] psychological ability to bend through bending the blood inside of [them]" or not until he did so to Korra (likely because she's a young

The operative phrase there is "the way you put it".