
Given that I searched her stand-up on Youtube and clicked a video at random, and the first words out her mouth were literally about how her haircut marked her as a lesbian, InActionMan doesn't seem too far off about her schtick.

That Sharon speech everyone's gushing over was so… nondescript and indicative of why I dislike the hype around Lorde.

Nope. Rape is rape no matter what the woman says. How could she have as much grasp of her victimhood as a third year women's studies minor?

Lawrence of Arabia, a movie that notably has literally zero women, is my favorite movie of all time. I understand the concept of male-oriented stories.

Not to indulge his hyperbole, but isn't "women not factoring in" just misogyny of a different flavor?

The fact the author compares a run-of-the-mill jackass guy and the female equivalent of Hannibal Lecter to not only come to the conclusion they're comparable, but actually insists "Nick drove her to the edge" as if any amount of casual misogyny and dickishness could justify her cartoon super-villainy is breathtakingly

Well, yes.

I need characters to vaguely behave like actual people and only in a writer's head does "Step 1: hire prostitutes ; Step 2: put on bulletproof vest; step 3: get shot in chest; Step 4: ???; Step 5: Profit!" seem like a reasonable facsimile of human behavior. It's writerly and praised by people who treat TV tropes as

More than a bit of the story has already been told. Or at least should have been.

That old canard. I'm talking about where the story is right now, not in the speculative future. If it gets better, I'll change my mind then. At best, that just shows television to often be an inefficient form of storytelling, a consideration I'm not averse to.

I'm not calling Six Feet Under perfect (shocking to you one can praise a show and be willing to criticize it, I know), but it wasn't all simple-minded symbolism at the expense of plot.

Self-awareness would also be realizing your input, in addition to being redundant, isn't so indispensable it warrants being a boring nag and third wheel in a conversation that has already passed.

Okay, The Leftovers is the sort of abstruse nonsense people conditioned on literary analysis eat up because they can take a work that says very little and inject it with all their subconscious drivel while asserting that merely by paying lipservice to heavy topics it's engaging said topics.

I'm expressing my opinion in a thread designed for that purpose.

I don't consider that lording at all.

The fact you take my commenting as "lording over" a show says more about how defensive you are.

I'm not the one passing off pretentious prattle as a prestige drama worthy of HBO's pedigree.

Yes, if you ignore the qualifier I deliberately put into my comment, you can change the meaning of what I said. I wasn't arguing whether or not it was a meditation on death.

Getting upset by comments from strangers not aimed directly at you.

This ain't one of 'em.