
I love Cloud Atlas too, and that was Halle Berry's best disguise in the movie. I only realize she's "Ovid" because the internet told me so.

A similar phenomena as a Star Wars Expanded Universe fan is to see how the Big 3 aged on book covers and art compared to real life. Since the books advanced more or less in real time, you could see how Han Solo aged in 35 years compared to Harrison Ford, ditto for Leia/Carrie and Luke/Mark. Spoiler: They always looked

It's actually said in the middle of season 5, not the end of season 2. In their post-post-Terminus wanderings(post-Hunters, for comic equivalent), near DC but before Alexandria(just before Aaron finds them), the group all holes up in a barn. While around a campfire there, Rick tells some story about his grandfather in

Since none of the other replies and sub-replies to you mentioned it, I'll say I thought Cloud Atlas was a great movie, especially the Sonmi/Neo-Seoul section that was directed by the Wachwoskis. I could've watched an entire movie based on just that sixth of the larger movie.

It was used in the last episode, "Crossover", too. Finn referred to himself as Mertens there, I believe, or at least implied it. The show is getting more and more comfortable with Finn's full name.

That same statue is why I came to these comments, to see if anyone else had the idea. It was an upside down snowman, the clear solution is to stack it right side up! Hasn't Finn ever seen THE SHRINE OF THE SILVER MONKEY from Legends of the Hidden Temple?

Yeah, I was so used to it being on Thursdays(or even weekdays), that I completely neglected checking for last night. I only realized it was on when I saw AV Club's review after it had aired. Thank Glob for my Cartoon Network West channel, a 3 hour delayed second chance.

Fittingly, "Heaven Sent" actually was on BBC America that same night. Seeing "Heaven Sent" before "The Hall of Egress" heavily reinforced that vibe for me.

And Attack On Titan, and Samurai Champloo, and I'd say Durarara!!, just off the top of my head.

It's a great gateway anime, if you're not into the medium. If you're into the bleak post-apocalyptic vibe of The Walking Dead, you'll definitely like it. I'd describe it as TWD meets Shadow of the Colossus, with a bit of Spider-Man thrown in for the rope-flying titan-slaying action. And the English dub is great, so

Yes, yes, You're The Worst belongs on all the lists. Anything to keep it going in spite of its low viewership numbers, because of how damn good it is. I upvote you in defiance of your dismay at the show being in all the lists.

"7:30 AM", by Slothrust is the song name, actually. It is the perfect song for that show though.

I like the song, but the Ireland-ized version of it was awkward, a sad reminder of that awkward mid-season 3 arc.

Somehow I'm not surprised you chimed in with Doctor Who's opening, given your name. I do love DW's theme though, especially Capaldi's trippy one.

Wow, I'm suddenly aware that I've never seen Phillip happy on The Americans, and it made me feel sad. Thanks, Ponty.

Extended Graphic Novel Strain Opening was the best opening for that show. Really hooked you into the show more than the red-tinted amoeba thing they always do. I hope season 3 brings it back full time. The one-time thing just made it baffling, like they only busted out the good credits when they had an extra 30

AMC co-produced Humans and still cut out an entire sub-plot from the season to fit in commercials when it aired on their channel. I don't doubt their willingness to mangle even their own co-productions. Nothing even came on afterward, they could've given the episodes an extra 5-10 minutes easily, like FX does! It

To answer your paraphrased question:
"When is TCW supposed to get good?"

I would note that Al Jazeera America at least admits its Qatari ties any time a Qatar-related story is reported. They fully admit their ties. Now let's see Fox News admit their ties to the far right, instead of always claiming to be "fair and balanced". Do any of the American news networks admit their own overlord

Daily Show too, I've noticed. When satirical news wants actual unbiased news report clips, that they don't intend to make fun of the personalities reporting said news, they generally defaulted to clips from AJA. That feels like a ringing endorsement of AJA's actual reporting to me.