
Fair enough, this back half has made me forget all about the "My Roanoke Nightmare" reenactments. At any rate, the real Edward didn't seem the over the top British chatterbox that Rory's Edward was, so I'm still very curious how Creepy McRoarface interacted with the real trio. How did he help them with just that

Did anyone notice that when Shelby and Dominic went for the tunnel, Shelby said that Edward can help them? Apparently despite his horrifying non-verbal roaring at the end of the tunnel a couple episodes ago, he is a more benevolent spirit. I don't remember him helping Shelby or Matt or Lee in the "My Roanoke

I've said it before, but after seeing Keith Stanfield as Darius on Atlanta, I'm really excited to see how he does as L in Netflix's Death Note movie. I'm already in love with Keith Stanfield as an actor after seeing him in just this show. I need a standalone episode about Darius' day-to-day life next season, bad.

Isn't that the plot of the next season of American Crime Story? They did say it'll deal with Hurricane Katrina.

They haven't gotten into the Master's origins yet, but I think they're on their way. Abraham and Quinlan have had a few episodes this season where they mull over translating bits of the Occido Lumen. I think they could easily make the big reveal early in the next/last season. I've been eager for it too.

What happened to Evan Peters' accent? I thought he was a Brit too, with that Cockney-ish accent he put on when he invaded Paulson's confessional, but he seemed to have dropped the accent a couple scenes later. I can't tell if Rory was faking Brit or Peters couldn't maintain it, or what. Or maybe I just got used to his

The nurses sure got lucky on having someone with an R-name in the house, didn't they? What if he had been named Phillip or something? MURDEP doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

Any episode with Quinlan is a good episode. Such a cool character. I wish they'd use his voice for the "Previously on The Strain…" thing instead of Palmer, just for that raspy reverberating Quinlan goodness.

What if the Master sticks his worm in the Egyptian Ancient's body? (There's no way to make that sound less dirty.) Instead of roaming around to find a new powerful body, just take the body of another Ancient, with all that power built into the flesh from thousands of years of being an Ancient's host. I don't know,

Worse than that, I was worried he'd turn on them after the gang's constant screwups around him made it look like they were trying to kill him. Lewis has potential and I hope he stays around for a while, so I was hopeful Tandy could actually become his friend. Somehow, despite the tasing and Tandy's really awkward lion

I'm just gonna reply to this post to save replying to all 3 of your posts in this thread that I all highly agree with.

Falling Skies, really? You were just reaching hard to fill in 5 young actors, weren't you? I watched the whole show over the years, and I still say it wasn't very good. Wasn't Maxim Knight the horrible youngest son that the show never figured out what to do with?

They're both co-leads, I'm curious how the hell one of them gets supporting actor. If Key is supporting, does that mean Peele is the star of Key & Peele? His name comes second! I'm baffled trying to figure out which one of them is the true star, now that the Emmy category makes clear that Key was the supporting actor

I didn't even realize You're The Worst's omission until this post. Now my triumph for The Americans is tempered by YTW's complete non-presence. Aya Cash was amazing this season!

Louie Anderson plays Zach Galifianakis' mom, and it's as surreal as it sounds.

It wasn't new backstory. They hinted at it as far back as season 2's "Echo". As tvtropes puts it:

I'm with you. I'm baffled when Fox News complains about the mainstream media in the same breath that they boast about being the most watched cable news network. If you're the highest rated news network, that makes you the mainstream! The cognitive dissonance is stunning.

I was guessing while watching it that they filmed the season finale so that they could change if it they did or didn't get renewed. Maybe Elizabeth was right about 5 FBI cars coming behind Stan, before the renewal. The J's comments on intentionally filming the last shot like a horror movie suggests they had no plans

You will be rewarded shortly.

I've been reading the Wikipedia pages for season 1's episodes as a friend watches so I know where he's at on plot, and I'm constantly shocked at how low the ratings were even in season 1. It was sitting at around 1.5 million viewers all season, sometimes down to 1.3 million or up to 1.9 million, with the pilot peaking