
Seeing Ice Finn with his family made me want to see Finn Prime's mom. Now we have a pretty good idea of what she looks like! We know she's a blonde like her son is. We just need to soften her face details and remove that nose and we have a pretty good idea of how she looks. I'm really hoping she'll show up eventually

Given we're still early in the new canon and treading into new territory between the prequels and originals, I'd say you're on about the same level as us EU fans on the Mandalore situation. This episode was the first to enlighten us on that situation. So Mandalore was basically taken over by the Empire, leaving it out

I'm with you on all your posts about TFA in this thread, but I like the Starkiller Base and want to correct that the notion that the planet "decapitated itself". Starkiller Base was hyperspace-capable That's how it had the juice to destroy the Hosnian system when it only started absorbing its own star after the

In case the episode didn't make it clear enough, the destroyed world is Concord Dawn. Sabine said it's had over a hundred wars, and the context made clear that the many wars destroyed part of the planet itself. You'd expect no less from a Mandalorian world.

And Star Destroyers couldn't destroy stars.

It doesn't seem impossible to identify other comrades. If you see another guy in the same armor as you, he's a comrade. Am I missing something here?

I don't feel the heroes unbalanced combat against the gruntwork. I would get into a mean streak as a basic blaster rifle trooper and clear the floor, even turning down hero promotions just to keep up my streak. Most heroes were so completely unlike the troopers in gameplay that you'd lose your rhythm. It was way too

Don't forget the perfectly logical strength that the droids wouldn't die in a vacuum. It made traversing the open surface area of the Polis Massa asteroid map very easy. So much fun had playing a rocket droid and nailing Republic tanks as they traversed the expanse to bypass the base interiors. They'd sometimes get

Maybe it was just you and me on RotJ. The Luke/Vader scenes are what sell me on RotJ, and I pretty much just ignore the Ewoks. ESB's close behind it, and I stick RotS up there too. ESB and RotJ had non-George writers and directors, and with RotS he kind of wrote himself into a corner of having to depict several events

It's the late 90s all over again with the "forward this chain letter if you think eating babies is wrong", fishing for likes/forwards by stating an incredibly obvious thing. It cheapens the events by boiling them down to a chance to gain social media currency.

I thought I was the only one who pronounced it Beno-ist. When I heard Ben-oist on Colbert, I thought I was nuts. Ben-oist just sounds terrible on the tongue. Sorry woman who has pronounced your name one way your whole life, my canon pronunciation is something else entirely.

I too watch Al Jazeera America, love it, all the reporting without any of the punditry of the other networks!

With the hectic world we live in, I feel like there would always be some recent terrorism attack that deems terrorism-related tv episodes as "too soon". Why even bother making those sorts of episodes at this point? It's not like terrorist attacks will stop for good anytime soon.

Yeah, George shouldn't forget that the two most consistently praised SW movies(ESB and RotJ) weren't written or directed by him at all. He had a story credit on those at best. George does best in a producer slot where he can give small input to a production, not the writer/director slot where he has full control. Just

And to be fair to the pro-CGI side, TPM's Yoda puppet was terrible. "Real" isn't always better. Re-CGIng him for TPM Blu-Ray was probably the one time even the hardcore practical set fans didn't complain about unnecessary CGI.

Well the clones are kind of meant to be identical, so you need some form of CGI. Otherwise you get clones of all different heights like the stormtroopers of the original trilogy, which is why nerdier fans weren't surprised at Finn not being a clone in TFA's first trailer, having known all along that the Empire started

Obligatory link to this thread on the surprising amount of practical effects in the prequels.
A far cry from your proclamation of "all" CGI with the prequels. No need to spread the misinformation of the "the prequels were pure CGI" myth.

I'm going back in time to a week ago to correct this comment. I notice Daily Show and Nightly Show also have their hosts' names on them. I don't think it's a Chris Hardwick ego thing, I think it's just a late night CC format thing. I bet the only reason Tosh.0 isn't called "Tosh.0 with Daniel Tosh" is because his

Something else big that's on tonight that somehow this entire article and comment thread has not mentioned: Another Republican Presidential Candidate Debate. Is that not even newsworthy anymore? It may be the funniest thing on tv tonight. Or is the fact that it's on a C-tier news network no one's heard of driving it

During Pete's training montage with Taco, I saw an open-top drain+tunnel combination location that I swear was also used at the end of the pilot for Fear the Walking Dead. The place where the family encountered their first zombie. Do all LA drains look alike, or did the two shows use the same location? I kept