The Lord of the Hillbillies


Near stream of consciousness speech
Holy shit someone else who mimics Sarah Palin's speech patterns. Here I thought she was unique.

For what it's worth, God did appear to the Hebrews in alternation as a pillar of smoke and pillar of fire when they were wandering around the desert during the exodus. Really don't think Smokey is God, but that would be both funny and strange.

The "infection" of the French crew is entirely different than this later version. Previously it jived really well with Smokey's powers, ie, ability to possess the dead and know their thoughts. So Smokey dragged the one armed frenchie into the pit, killed him, possessed his voice, killed those who followed, possessed

Cyborg Kearmy, with bazooka in tow.

Smokey knows the lives of the dead and until recently could take their form. That and there's a parallel between Smokey being first Christian and then Locke since they were both of the baggage claim corpses. I always kind of assumed Christian was Smokey, is there some reason he couldn't be?

See, I think the uniformity of suck is what made that era in mainstream music work. I really think the same principle for attractive girls applies to music, if you get exposed to very few attractive girls your standards for beauty start to sink. Yes Limp Bizkit was just god damn terrible, but if you put them next to

Points off for not talking about too many of the songs. This article was like two paragraphs by Rabin's standards.

The Dharma initiative were scientifically capable folks, so obviously, when they encountered something as difficult as a wheel, they turned to polar bears.

On a side note, I was saddened by the revelation (assuming it's true) that Smokey can't change form anymore. Me and my girlfriend were hoping that Smokey would take the form of Juliet, seduce Sawyer, and then midway through passionate reunion sex with him - BAM - turn back into John Locke.

Losing me a bit
Over the past couple of episodes I've started to really question whether the end of Lost can possibly work. The series has maintained momentum by introducing new characters and mysteries whenever the old ones got a bit stale, but that's created the problem that there are so many loose characters and

I got sent away to a boarding school in my teens that was filled with a bunch of stoners. And what a surprise, they played a shit ton of Sublime. I can still sing some of the songs from memory even though I don't own any Sublime albums. Sublime was just fine before that, but their music fills me with rage now.

Brings me back to my highschool days.

You know when I saw this article my reaction was "why in the fuck can't they give each other names that aren't stupid as hell?" I guess I should be reacting to the substance of the piece, but I wasn't aware the lil' bastard was named Tripp. Damn that is an awful name.

If I could dump whatever attractive person I was dating on a whim and always find a new one by Saturday with little apparent effort, then fuck yeah I'd want to be single. Sadly, it doesn't really work out that way for me. I'll simply never be as good looking as Nia Vardolos I guess.

Overly technical objections have everything to do with being a douchebag - it can be a principle as well as a Constitutional command.

So that was seriously Michael Hall? What in the flying fuck were they thinking? Was the implication supposed to be that it's either the charger or killing people?

Yes, but will Dove make women chase me down and gang rape me?

Caring about sports enough to care about what others think about it is itself a little unjustifiable and I say that despite being into some college sports, so to you I say,

Tentatively - Broken, Year Zero, The Downward Spiral, PHM (fuck you all, I like that record), Ghosts, The Slip, With Teeth and the Fragile.