The Lord of the Hillbillies

Two decades later…
I may be biased because I really fucking love NIN, but I honestly cannot think of any band/performer from the early 90s (for the most part, PHM was 89') that stood the test of time better than Trent.

It results from laissez-faire capitalism, ultimately a central authority is needed to make sure people fight honestly. Without it, they don't.

I find the tone of this thread hilarious.

I saw that too ,and the stupidity of it caused me physical pain. I hope that it was simply a typo, as in, a society *without* altruism leads to Nazism. That would actually make some sense given what the Nazis espoused. God knows if I can rely on that comforting thought though.

I have to wonder if anyone who takes Ayn Rand seriously has ever read a history of the industrial revolution. Yes there were "individual industrious men," back in those laissez faire days, also there were fierce anti-competitive practices, collusion between business and government, and industrialists also did an

*because of all the…* not because all of the; those jackasses didn't teach me to proofread either.

Funny story!
I actually saw this movie in the boarding school my parents sent me to. That place where the administrators weren't sure I could listen to the Bends because all of the suggestive language in the album and its strange artwork. Totally cool with this movie though.

So even at the AVC I'm a fascist elitist for not wanting to watch movies that insult my intelligence relentlessly and would be utterly painful to sit through?

So I'm pretty much the only person who thought it was Ok? Neither very good nor bad?

Guys, really, can't we just punch everyone?