The Lord of the Hillbillies

This guy just isn't going to rest until he's singledickedly destroyed his family with his wandering wee-wee. If I was one of the other duggars I'd be pretty annoyed Josh brought the gravy train to such a decisive halt. Although admittedly, if I was one of the other duggars who the hell knows what I'd have buzzing

Nah I think this article makes sense. The bOne team have limited resources, and the writer wants the new hotness rather than retreads. If you get one you probably can't get the other.

I'm looking forward to the days when the football news moves away from Teti's team. He's hilarious when he talks about every team except for the Pats.

On the one hand you have a compelling point, on the other hand I enthusiastically agree with idiotking. Death to anyone who doesn't embrace OK Computer as the #1 album!

Tea Party's Law: it is better to have people pay attention to you even if you don't know what the fuck you're doing than it is to be politically literate and ignored. These guys are at least countering the notion that the primary concern of Americans is stopping the incipient socialist takeover of mom and apple pie,

Exactly. I too have had to do internships because a couple of years of that shit is practically mandatory, even after school gets done. I've worked as an intern doing exactly the sort of thing I wanted to get paid to do, and the office couldn't have functioned without the interns, but they still didn't need to hire an

LOST as a show leaves me annoyed, not necessarily because I ended up hating it, but because it seemed like so much wasted potential. The characters really were developed well, the show did pose many really fascinating situations, and often the plot did provide some great escapism when they got the pacing right.

Holy shit someone actually read my comment.

The Hydrogen Bomb
Strangely, that's my pet irritating mystery. I was expecting that to be explained somehow. After all, when you detonate a hydrogen bomb it does usually affect the landscape. Instead I get purgatory and a fuck you. Hooray.

If the sideways-verse is just some unrelated afterlife to the events on the island, then to raise the obvious question: what the hell does that have to do with the island?

How the fuck is a poor person supposed to get their music though? This band evidently ran out of LE copies of their CDs before I was even born so it makes it kind of hard to check them out now.

I had been under the impression that the government had largely smashed the Tamil army anyway. Was I wrong about that?

Since it just keeps coming up every week I'll add my voice to the people who doesn't get the Lone Audience hate.

I liked this episode because it's one of the few in S6 that had a decent tempo. I agree with many of the criticisms but you know, stuff actually happened, in terms of both plot and answers and on/off island. I'm willing to forgive it's faults for that.

Yeah really man, do you seriously think health care in the States is the most expensive in the world because we have more laws and regulations than anyone else? I mean jesus effing christ.

The hits are worth the misses, AB, you are overruled.

The whole magic box thing is hardly the most central mystery to the show's plot, give that it involves the father of a now dead character. But it was bizarre, which leads me to want a better explanation than "eh, probably all bullshit anyways." Ben/the others did not later indicate that it was a lie, that's just a

Remember when Eloise predicted that Mr. Randompasserby with the sneakers would get flattened by an anvil and then it happened? Definitely cannot be explained by a journal. Farraday writing about the particulars of Desmond's engagement is also pretty implausible, so that theory is out unless the writers are really

happy* not happen.

As happen as I am that the alterna-timeline was given a point, all I can say is if the LOSTies go on a crusade to undo the effects of Jughead I'm officially getting off the LOST boat. Much of this series has been a 'wait, wait let's undo that' fest where the characters seek the opposite goal of what they sought