A god who can be defeated by snow-plows is really losing his touch with divine retribution.
A god who can be defeated by snow-plows is really losing his touch with divine retribution.
Reading Malcom X spurred me to follow my dreams and convictions of becoming the world's most fly lindy-hop champion.
Coming next Summer; E.T. - Extrajudicial Terrestrial
It doesn't fit well with the central conceit of the show to me at all. Fundamentally this show is about a screwball collection of disparate human beings forming a *ahem*, community, through random circumstance and as a means of coping with the shared burden of going to a hilariously awful and incompetent school.
I'm always a little sad that Ridley Scott's proposed Tripoli movie about the Barbary Wars never made it into production. It'd even be vaguely relevant to the modern age with American intervention in Libya, rebel groups and obscenely depressing/comical congressional incompetence.
A few years ago my friends and I got incredibly lost and somehow ended up walking for awhile on the side of the highway up at school (long story).
Even if they're only loosely intertwined, as I would hope is the case, making it so all the central characters had interacted with each-other prior to Greendale sort of feels contradictory to the point of the show and the study room.
We love The People's Republic of China and here's why you should too!
Depends quite a bit on what branch he's deployed with as well. Shore leave for sailors has some notoriety for a reason.
I'm on Celexa/Citalopram right now. I think it's working? The worst of my anxiety, particularly on the physical end, has certainly passed but it's obviously not a cure all.
@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus Given that least half of dating is laying on the couch watching Netflix or one of its non-union Mexican equivalents I'd say those traits aren't misanthropic at all.
In college I had a two plus hour layover at the train station whenever I went home for holidays, and there was always a few folks who would circle the station asking everyone for money and/or claiming they missed or were just short the amount for the train.
Don't besmirch ze' Fuhrer in that way, he was a wonderful dancer!
In June, David Bryne and St. Vincent are coming to Connecticut. I've no idea if there's still tickets available, but I sure hope so.
I've got a few promising dates with cool people on the horizon, whom I know from both online and off, so those should be enjoyable.
You mean like the Liberty University remix of I Love College?
I think it's sex in an 80s mall week.
Great links, thanks.
Good call, I'll certainly have to check that out.
"Rub that shit it's yours bitch, grab his dick it's yours bitch"