Comrade Pig

Coming off of the roaring success of RIPD!

Fuck yes Turtles in Time.

And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling Cilburns.

@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus So you subscribe to the The Fabio Method.

Happy birthday!

I'd quite like to give Flames of War a try, but I'm both lazy and decidedly poor at making and painting things with my hands, so it's probably never to be.

One of the more common and slightly creepy compliments I would receive in high-school and college was that I had "great skin".

I think what's most astounding is how few slip-ups there were with the filming process. Placing that dance sequence at the very end of the movie is practically begging for hubristic disaster, and yet they pulled it off beautifully.

Huzzah for birthdays and Chinese food!

My Joy: A bleak and highly episodic journey through the Russian countryside that gets all the small details of that world right while also engaging in pointed surrealism and exaggeration in order to remark upon the nation's past and present.

Silly Varmints.

I imagine it's something in the purview of "if people just had stopped being pussies and accepted higher casualties, victory would have surely resulted!".

Sounds like you sir never played Michael Jackson's Moonwalker on Sega Genesis.

I'm shooting for a gig at the NaPo's Ministry of Truth.

Bennet was driving me up the wall by the end of the season with his failure to take responsibility for his actions, judgmental behavior with Daya and whining about the prisoner's plot out of their predicament, one that would save him from jail time.

A moderate percentage of Ukrainians speak Russian as their first language, and those that don't use it as their primary tongue are likely to speak it with some degree of fluency nevertheless, due to its historical predominance and simple geographic proximity to Russia.

Yeah, it's almost impossible to even begin breaking this thing down because the entire thing is so unpleasant and insane.

Yeah, even most of the biggest blowhards on MSNBC and other networks went out of their way to for example, discredit Bush related conspiracy theories, and were correct in doing so. Figures like Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck during his prime etc., have never given Obama the benefit of the doubt.

Huh, interesting and bizarre indeed.

Although that would be an understandable progression, I'd be a little disappointed if the show headed to a higher security facility.