Watching this show has piqued my interest in picking up a book about the titular Vikings. Does anyone have any recommendations as to good introductory texts on Viking history or particularly, culture?
Watching this show has piqued my interest in picking up a book about the titular Vikings. Does anyone have any recommendations as to good introductory texts on Viking history or particularly, culture?
I've only seen it a handful of times, but every so often the rabbits that live on my street turn into ninjas. They face off, and charge straight at each-other but then before impact one of them launches itself into the air like a spring and the other runs underneath while its in the air. It's awesome.
I think the giant monsters have toxic goo for blood thus rendering missiles and the like too dangerous an option while also giving the filmmakers a one line excuse for the giant monster face punching we all truly desire.
You and me both. I am shamelessly and unequivocally excited for this.
@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus Save your money and build a proper gaming PC.
That's pretty disconcerting. I'll wait on what folks on here say as to the merits and presentation of the film, but elements like that shake what little hope I had that Bay was making something a little interesting and not mythologizing the crimes in question.
@avclub-7eb2fe8da677f9ab2ab7e28ef0753eb6:disqus When I was a kid I remember watching some documentary on space and was terrified by the detail that Jupiter's great red spot was larger than earth itself, and was briefly certain it was probably going to consume the Earth.
The main problem with that portrayal though is that Schiller was not their sole victim. Their second target and his girlfriend were completely innocent human beings, and the Sun Gym gang murdered them with stomach-churning cruelty.
I find their accents to be both intensely irritating and arousing simultaneously. So much boner conflict.
I'm still in perpetual shock that the Islanders aren't doing abysmally this season. That they're actively doing so well, and have come so far, is like a journey into bizarro world.
I'm on the market for spring outerwear now that it's getting warm out and seeing as I somehow have few intermediate options outside of my heavy coat besides a few sweaters and blazer. What do you folks think on the following options-
And five (The downtown jacket near the bottom)
@avclub-9a3fe1f228aea0bc3b5c0da332c3fb64:disqus A month back a friend of mine had to go to the hospital to get his eye checked out (long story, but he was perfectly fine) and the doctor mistook his same-aged girlfriend to be his mother. Talk about awkward.
*Those about to eat lunch best avoid this particular story*
Freshman year of college I got food poisoning from our dining hall of all places, and it easily stands among the most unpleasant weekends of my entire life. It was a Thursday evening and around 9PM I started getting these awful stomach cramps out of nowhere,…
'She managed to correctly peg me'
The raw, entrenched hatred and distrust of Chechens by much of the Russian population is truly startling to confront. I've often found it difficult to reconcile the extreme bigotry directed toward said minority by even Russians I've personally known to be kind-hearted and progressively minded human beings by almost…
To a certain subset of the population, all other descriptors are tossed out the window as soon as 'Muslim' enters the fray. When these folks say 'white men', what they mean is people exactly like themselves.
When the first images of the suspects were released, all of the conspiracy nuts came out of the woodwork (It confounds me to this day that these folks show up to comment seemingly everywhere, even on sites like The New Yorker) declaring that the government had found their 'white men' to frame the right-wing for the…
I had a few friends following the story primarily through social media and blogs and it really perplexed me because those sources were both less accurate and slower, at least in reporting developments of any substance. I kept knowing their updates first or having to correct them, because I followed the story mainly…
Particularly now that he's in a position of power, Ragnar needs to think about establishing his legacy, and staking all of that on a single child would be exceptionally risky during this time period.
A lot of work to do this morning so I'll keep it brief: