

Seriously, I can't really portray my anger at this news in a way that would encapsulate the amount of bullshit this is.

Wait, what the fuck. It didn't log me in and it posted in my actual name?

Whoa, I never thought of that. Good call.

If they had made more out of the fact he didn't fit in with the rest of the cast, his character might have been better. Shawn was easily the best of Elliot's various boyfriends anyways, I was glad when he kept popping up.

The inconvenient truth episode as well… They really lost their way for two seasons. The line about JD getting to the part with Bush saying mission accomplished and yet he isn't even halfway done was pretty funny and sadly a bright spot in an entire season.

Personally, I liked it. It didn't seem any more ridiculous than most other musical episodes.

I thought the consensus was that it was a show whose high moments were outstanding and whose low moments were fucking terrible.

I think JD just wanted to be a part of a family so much that he was fine with everyone shitting on him, but everyone can only take so much before they have to let it out. If they became used to him taking all their shit and looking like he was okay with it, I could understand everyone asking what the hell his problem

Other than a few episodes, season 6 and 7 suck in general. "My House" is one I consider a low point.

He found out about the miscarriage in the episode "My Road to Nowhere" and I think the one you are looking for is called "My Perspective", so that should help out a little bit.

It would probably sky rocket Samberg even more and make for some amazing sketches.

I feel like the writers are COMPLETELY dropping the ball while writing the political segments. Other than Kenan as Herman Cain, they have a great cast to play everyone. But to be fair, Kenan can't really play any characters at all. Instead of just doing a debate format maybe they should take the character and put them

Luckily I was watching something else while recording SNL on the DVR and had a 10 minute delay. Got to completely skip Secret Word and Garth and Kat. Perfect timing.

I thought this was the weakest appearance by the Devil so far, he wasn't saying anything clever really, just yelling.

I fucking love Les Jeunes de Paris, but out of the three times they have done it I think the Miley Cyrus one is by far the best.

I think to keep the Herb Welch bits funny, he has to just keep doing shit like that. It was pretty much the same as the others until that moment.

I read a interview with Bill Lawrence where he said that the decision to do another season was because he didn't want to put all the people who worked behind the scenes out of work. They were going to give him another season if he wanted so he figured he might as well keep going to keep more people employed.

I'm too lazy to read all of the comments, but is no one going to bring up that the live Ghost Hunters special is pretty much exactly the plot of Halloween: Resurrection?

When he said that he was a Sergeant in the Marine Corps to the guy who tortured him I actually yelled at the tv "YOU'RE A MOTHER FUCKING GUNNY!" Those little things irk me. Like when Mike was yelling at him from the bus while Brody was kissing his wife, that was bullshit. No way an E-2 talks to a Sergeant like that.