
This better not get in the way of my rise through the House of Mouse from lowly Jungle Cruise Skipper to director of a full-length Captain EO.

I still haven't been able to finish Caprica, I'm happy with stopping after the last mid season finale and it going on forever from that point in my head.

Sleep With One Eye Open is fucking incredible.

I recently started listening to Chris Thile's work after a recommendation on the Ed Helms ep of The Nerdist, and have been hooked ever since. Incredible music and some of the best covers I have ever heard in my life.

I'm actually kind of interested in this show, in a "have on the tv while I surf the internet and occasionally glance up and chuckle" Castle sort of way.

Thanks, I had a feeling it was something like this.

Honest question: Why is it that in the open credits, Will Arnett's name is at the end with the "and" before his name? I've been wondering if there are any specific reasons some shows do their credits in odd orders.

I'm honestly afraid that these stunts only win them votes based on people feeling bad for them. Or as I am now coining then, the ASPCA votes.

Is it really that much worse than those who say Obama is a radical Muslim actively trying to destroy America?

She must have really liked Taxi if she considers Fallon "Hollywood Elite."

I chuckled every time she called them ASL.

Funny you should ask, we just discussed a case last week and the write up should be posted today. Many of the other Justices have been very busy with their own shit. Drew Magary was doing events and such for his book and David Sirota was doing his work as well as helping with his wife's unsuccessful school board

Taibbi's book "The Great Derangement" is one of my all time favorites.

Oh, "Justice" Whitmer.

All of the judgements, there are 8 "justices" that stay the same every time.

I do love his stuff, not just because (shameless plug!) I am one of the writers for the Supreme Court of Assholedom.

Are there any political websites with O'Neal levels of snark? If not, there really should be.


I don't know if it has been mentioned yet, but I love the idea that the Janitor was originally going to be a figment of JD's imagination and that's why Dr. Jan Itor doesn't interact with anyone else for a long time.

Meh, I switched to 90 Minute IPA and really GUT DIS PAHTY STAHTED RIGHT UP IN HEUH!