
Yes, they should. If some boot Marine were to call him Sergeant, they would be bitch slapped. Verbally, of course.

When one discusses Boardwalk Empire in such a manner, one must imbibe in the festivities of the time.

Hells yes you should watch it. I just got out of the Marines so some of the small military details get under my skin (He's a fucking Gunnery Sergeant, stop fucking calling him Sergeant) but all in all it's one of the best shows on tv right now.

Yeah, this pilot was pretty much fucking horrible. Not one likable character or funny scene other than the explanation of how his dads got together, that was a little darkly funny.

I'm pretty sure "Legs that go all the way up" is some multiply used Sorkin-ese.

I was going to call bullshit until I read it was for kids 2 and under, now it seems pretty obvious.

You are making wild accusations of this very multi layered show after 3 episodes, good thing it's going to go for at least 4.

They should have brought up Successful Alcoholics. That was one of the best things I have seen all year.

I don't care what it says about me as a tool for certain brands, but I fucking love my Beats by Dre earbuds. That being said, that is the only Monster cable shit I will ever buy.

Local Government!

Vicky Christina Barcelona was good, and she walks a fine line between camp and endearing in True Blood pretty well.

I'll have to give it a look.

The new Daredevil is worth getting into? I am looking for some new series, other than some out of the upcoming DC reboot, of which I am limiting myself to 4.

I'm REALLY digging the new Venom series. I'm wary of how it is going to integrate with Spider-Island though.

She would win in a Miss Piggy look alike contest?

That sucks, because when I saw the scenes for it and it seems like one that I might like for bullshit summer viewing.

Is this show worth watching at all?
Even to laugh at? It seems like it might take itself and its ridiculous concept serious enough to make for some unintentional hilarity.

As much as I fucking hate Brenda (This was the episode I remember my hatred of her being particularly solidified) I would have liked to see her in her birthday suit a few times.

I think Anya's speech gets me because I have had some friends die and I have those "She is never going to have fruit punch again" moments and those seem to really affect me for some reason.
