
Hey dickwad, there is this handy little picture beside what I write, so if you feel that strongly about my posts just look out for that picture and then not read what is beside it. It's really that simple. I would avoid yours but seeing as how I am registered I actually have a picture for you to avoid.

I can't tell if the name got worse
or really just stayed the same amount of bad.

But where are the college records!?

The Actors
Do they film their screentests in Snyder-esque slo-mo then speed-up?

Just a fun movie to watch with like minded people.

Piranha 3-D
Was one of my favorite movie-going experiences of last year, one of those movies that watching with some friends really helps the enjoyment.

I thought the same thing about Nikita.

Yep, never heard of it. Sounds… Quaint.

Where at? It's like we are the same person!

Agreed , Im from Pensacola Florida, and when Tyler Perrys stage show came to our town, people went fucking batshit crazy over it.

The first and only Aflack Duck.

After seeing those numbers, it probably won't be over until Fast and F12ious.

Ricky Gervais
Should just host everything.

I still think Cop Out was a Bruce Willis/Tracy Jordan film.

I actually like Tokyo Drift. I thought the worst was 2 Fast 2 Furious, Paul Walker shouldn't have been given his own movie.

I hate to say it
But I fucking love these movies.

The only question I have is… Which one is getting too old for this shit?

A Black Cop and a White Cop as partners in a racially charged atmosphere?
I see we are breaking new ground here.

I saw some documentary of theirs that had video of a show they did right by the Twin Towers on September 10, 2001. It was a couple years later that I saw that so I kept thinking for how many of those people TMBG was their last concert.

Maybe I should have said recovering. I was catholic, now atheist. I would have said agnostic, but I am not that much of a hipster.