
As a reformed Catholic
It's refreshing to see some non-pedophilia related Catholic Sex news.

I need to get into Punk.

Oh, is was the Declaration. I just liked it for the 'splosions.

I've already seen The President's Book of Secrets…
It's the one after Nicholas Cage steals the Constitution right?

I'm on it right now actually. Watching it tomorrow.

Blade Runner, Taxi Driver, and The Great Escape.
I made it 45 minutes into Blade Runner all three times I tried to see it and just haven't seen Taxi Driver or the Great Escape.

The GOP have a hard time looking casual anywhere. But that place would be the best.


A neutered Curb Your Enthusiasm?!
Who doesn't want that?!

Saw him at the Comedy Cellar, best comedian I have ever seen.

I kindof liked because it was so jarring.

The "Big Bad"
I honestly don't think anyone will be able to beat Joss Whedon on making good "Big Bads"

@Pugs That's actually a fantastic AVQ&A idea.

Sleepy Hollow is the "My parents took me to that when I was a little too young and it scared the shit out of me but now it has a special place in my heart no matter how "Meh" it may seem when I watch it now."

YES. *SPOILERS* I hate that every "Found Footage" movie has to end with the characters dying. As much as I really liked that movie it would have been a better movie if it had ended there.

I really liked First Impressions of Earth and fucking hated Angles so much, but it's begun to grow on me. I just want them to stick around just long enough for me to see them live again.

I just remember seeing commercials for it when I was pretty young, thought it looked kind of dumb.

Was this show
Any good at all?

What are you saying, that is the plot! Someone get Michael Bay on the phone!

With those physiques
It might take longer than 38 seconds.