Blood Bath and Beyond

Martin should know that, "See! No good can exist! Everyone with any ounce of kindness will be raped/murdered/mutilated!" is just as unrealistic as anything found in LOTR.

That's just what my pediatrician said!

When I was 4 or 5 I shoved raisins up my nose. I've always been a bitter disappointment.

This movie is so awesome it will melt your face

Juggalo Joker. Or maybe Former Hot Topic Employee Joker

Seth MacFarlane is kicking himself for not including Beaver's Breath in A Million Ways to Die in the West.

STUNG was mum in regards to the overall status of his relationship with Connie. Were they still sleeping together when he went out on a date? Were they in an open relationship? Or was he stringing Connie along and even saying, "I love you too," when she expressed her feelings? I feel it's the latter and that it seems

"Everything will be fine as long as women have sex in the background during exposition heavy scenes and Tyrion talks about food," —George RR Martin

Bobby Heenan can tell some great Andre stories. One was about the Ultimate Warrior. Most wrestlers were very, very respectable to Andre and at this point in his career he was suffering back and knee problems. So in most matches care was taken not to push Andre too much and also, even though he aging and in pain, Andre

That's really the big problem for Noah. The jokes were hacky. The kind of lame, unfunny joke a bro-tastic douche may tell. "LOL fat chicks. Amirite?"

"These Zombies Are Eating Me And I Want To Help You Avoid The Same Fate So Please Stay Away" or "They're Eating Her! And Then They're Going to Eat Me! Ohhhh MYYYY GOOOOODDDD!!"

Personally, I think Nirvana's "All Apologies" from their MTV Unplugged far outshines the original. Sticking with Unplugged I'd say Alice in Chains' live versions of "Brother" and "Over Now" were better than the studio versions.


I'm very tolerant of others as long as they completely agree with me on every single issue.

If you ever read interviews with Gilligan his beliefs definitely came through in Breaking Bad. His ideas of "sin" and wrong doers being punished. It wasn't in your face but they were there. Google his NY Times interview.

Carol gave that kid an offer he couldn't refuse. Way to go full Corleone, Carol

GOTM will later be seen on the news after having killed and devoured the guy who dumped her.

I'll be honest and say I really didn't like Birdman. It seemed like a mess and I found myself just waiting for it to be over. Good performances by Keaton and Norton lifted the material. I really thought Boyhood or Grand Budapest Hotel deserved the best picture nod. Oh well. At least NPH got down to his skivvies.

He's a theoretical physicist/cosmologist retard.Those guys are a dime a dozen

I was such a boring 15 year old. I just wanted to see a woman naked or to touch one. My ambitions have always been kinda low, I suppose. I don't think I developed or thought much about kinky sex until I was in college.