Blood Bath and Beyond

A convo between some journalists somewhere:

I get people laughing at someone for doing something ridiculous or failing in a spectacular fashion. Certainly, entertainment writers or comedians are going to mention something as bizarre as this. I think mocking that way is legit and sometimes it's unavoidable and the price of being famous.

This one hurts.

Florida's finest moment that didn't involve meth or cannibalism

Why do you need a talk show host to validate your political views? So Noah isn't Stewart and he shouldn't have to be to fulfill some kind of sad need people have in a television personality catering to their political outrage. Let Noah be himself.

I could have sworn Fitzgerald mentioned being from Texas.

"Remember men, we're fighting for this woman's honor; which is probably more than she ever did"

I never understood the knock that they ripped off Pearl Jam. To me STP was far heavier and intense. I saw them live in the mid 90s at a spring break concert. I'll never forget Scott running around stage, yanking his clothes off and throwing them at the audience during Sex Type Thing. Great show and a really underrated

Frank had just bought a new rifle so he went bear hunting. He spotted a great big grizzly bear and took a shot but missed. A few moments later there was a tap on his shoulder, and he turned around to see the huge bear looming over him.

I actually have a Fred Durst story. I grew up in Florida and before Limp Bizkit hit the big time I saw them live. My cousin's equally shitty band opened for them. So after the show Durst mingled with the crowd and came up to us and kept asking how we liked the show and saying, "it was fucking awesome, right?" Being

The Biggus Dickus scene from Life of Brian kills me to this day. Palin nearly cracking up always gets me.

"Don’t panic, give it time, go suck a few dicks, and see how you feel"

I never finished season 1 because I couldn't stand Piper. Every scene with her was excruciating.

I don't think so. If you're so emotionally fragile that reading a foundational text sends you into a tailspin and you feel your professor has created an "unsafe" environment, and want them punished for it,then you should not be anywhere near a university and you are a menace.

Are they really asking for more input? If reading Edward Said and Mark Twain gives you the vapors then perhaps you're not ready for college.

Chris Rock said essentially the same thing. I don't look at this as PC but more of an outgrowth of Tumblr hysteria about microaggressions, trigger warnings and obsession with identity politics. College is supposed to be about encountering challenging ideas, different belief systems and….you know…learning. Instead some

Michelle. Hands down. I just can't stand the song.

Yet, there are examples of kind people/positive events throughout history….even the era Martin is trying to capture. In Martin's work if a character exhibits one ounce of good nature or kindness they're going to die horribly. It's just as ridiculous as anything you'll find in other fantasy works.

How is it not?

I've Just Seen a Face. I can never skip that one.