Blood Bath and Beyond

I just feel Martin has punted to HBO and is letting them finish the series based off his notes. He just ran out of steam after the third book and I'm not sure he knows where to go next. He'll write some adaptations later…maybe…with an extra 200 characters.

Every movie villain should be accompanied by an homunculus

This and The Mouse and His Child affected me a lot as a child. Really love this film.

I saw Phantom in the theater and it remains one of the oddest movie going experiences of my life. It was opening day and everyone was super pumped and the most excited audience i have been a part of, probably. However, about half way in (I think even before Jar Jar appeared) you could sense the mood changing. The

"That must have really hurt….getting hit right in that pimple."

"Gee Ted, I just shared a smoke with your wife. She is really something."

"There are a lot of variables with obviously Mother Nature and the balls. Whatever feels good that day.."

Drift Stage reminds me of Rad Racing from the 80's. 3D glasses included, dudes

Sheridan’s audition in particular “blew Singer away early on."

"So exiling Dr. Hibbert would be just as reasonable as Archer eliminating references to ISIS in light of real-world terrorism."

I find that, "My cat's name is mittens. His breath smells like cat food." is an excellent ice breaker

Ned, have you considered any of the other major religions? They're all pretty much the same.

That's true. You got me there. /shuffles away

I'm the Mary!

No MST3K?? No Northern Exposure? Not even a Freaks and Geeks? Sad face.

I prefer musicians who look like they'll drop dead at any moment

I did like Smith for awhile. Initially really enjoyed his Smodcast. Then, I think around the time Zak and Miri tanked, he began to go off the rails. He fell into a weed coma and a constant pity party. I have zero objection to anyone smoking pot (I do) but one of the most annoying characteristics of a certain breed of

"Even doggy was paid. We paid a hundred bucks to doggy,
for your information. Because she said, “No, you cannot use my doggy
unless you pay.” Plus she was Chinese and you know how they are!
[Laughs.] This is from The Neighbors now, just teasing" Greatest AV Club interview ever. I'm laughing so hard and everyone in the

"It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it," said GK Chesterton in one of his discussions with Bernard Shaw.

Molly Norris, the Seattle-based alt-weekly cartoonist, who began Everybody Draw Mohammed Day is currently in hiding with FBI assistance to protect her from being murdered by Muslim fanatics.