Blood Bath and Beyond

Oh yeah the Chutes and Ladders bit was funny. I also seem to remember Jay Mohr showing up at the end with the son Christina Applegate never knew she had. That killed me for some reason.

Mafia! is an uneven flick but it has memorable lines. "That's why we can't have nice things, Pepper!"

" though it seems noble that he eventually decides to take up with a band
of outlaws and overthrow the corrupt sheriff, the film doesn’t actually
explain why he’d do that, other than to imply that it was just the right thing to do"

I'm 35. Hulkamania, Machomania etc were huge when I was a kid. I remember being so pissed when Hogan lost to the Ultimate Warrior (who I just never liked) that I sulked for days. Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon remain the greatest announcing duo ever, in any medium. The NWA (WCW) was a nice counterbalance to the WWF

Indeed. A friend of mine funded a project this year. I believe it was to be a documentary of some sort…on Jim Henson? Or Sesame Street. I can't recall. Anyway, they promised their backers all kinds of goodies once the film was made. Well, it was made and they have never sent her (or anyone else) the promised goods and

Colin Farrell, the Kiss of Death of the silver screen, is finally coming to television.

She was incredibly statuesque.

The Hackman chuckle is greatly missed.

You know what I'd do? I'd take that deal 'n' crawfish, then drill that
ol' Devil in the ass.

Kevin Smith was more entertaining when he wasn't stoned all the time and constantly reminding everyone of the fact that he's high. Oh and he's totally going to have sex with his hot wife but he doesn't know what she sees in his walrus-like body. Then he'll elaborate on those subjects for 2 hours.

Am I exploiting my core competencies?

Kristen Bell's "bullshit, bullshit, bullshit" impersonation of Brand in Forgetting Sarah Marshall was pretty spot on.

That joke isn't funny anymore.

I wonder how he ever got Smith to open up and talk about his part in the fiasco.

I will say….it is interesting how some people in Hollywood do get a free pass or their transgressions are more readily forgiven. Gibson said awful things and has been a pariah ever since. Polanski drugs an anally rapes a child and still works and is heralded as a genius.

Don't worry. Martin doesn't have a clue either. That's why he's punting the ball to Benioff and Weiss to finish the story. Then he can slowly turn out the final book adaptations.

Not many musicians can do political songs and not come off as annoying. I give them credit for trying though. They at least attempted to do something new and meaningful. It just wasn't within their capabilities

"You can score easy points by shooting a beloved protagonist in the head,
but surprise fades. If there’s no justification for what just happened,
the writer starts to look like a manipulator, betraying the audience’s
trust for no more than a cheap thrill."

5 minutes in he stubs his toe and the rest of the album is just him breathing heavily and gasping.

I like to imagine that "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and Virgil were in the office when this went down. Virgil throws down $100 bills until a sweaty Glenn Greenwald grabs the wad of cash and accepts the deal. Then DiBiase laughs, looks at the camera, and says, "Everybody has a price!"