Blood Bath and Beyond

He spends all his time playing Word Munchers.

To a a degree being fat can be subjective. My wife feels she is because she doesn't measure up to the current standard, but she is by no means obese or fat. 60 years ago she would be a pin-up model. Personally, I kinda blame the fashion industry and the media in general. It seems they expect adult women to have the

Yeah, it's the NFL's (especially Roger Goodell) big push to over-saturate the market. I don't usually like Mark Cuban, but his recent comments regarding the NFL were spot on.

I wouldn't call it a minstrel show either but more of Macklemore being the Pat Boone of hip hop.He is repurposing "black" music to sell to white audiences. Not only that, and this is his most annoying trait, he seems to set his self up as above other hip hop artists. As if they just aren't as socially conscious as he

"a remark he made about his many wives ("look, at least I married these women, we didn't live in sin") bothered me some"

I eagerly await Greg Proops' Proopcast on this topic. Some of his best bits involve reading her blog posts.

Fujita is a great guy. Actually met him during an event for his friend Steve Gleason (former NFL player suffering from ALS). He doesn't make the issues he champions about himself (unlike Kluwe, IMO) and he's remarkably low key and very intelligent and nice as hell.

I honestly don't know. Like i said I'm sure it's terrible and I don't have any desire to see it. All i was suggesting was that people go see bad movies like this and Tyler Perry's films because they feel they're not represented by the film making industry.

I think that covers a great many people. Ever visit Tumblr?

I'm sure this movie is all types of awful. But, like Tyler Perry, it is servicing a market that Hollywood just doesn't give a shit about. That's not justifying it being a bad film but when, as an audience, you have very few films geared towards you…well…you take what you can get. So I can see it picking up a few bucks.

Holy shit. Same here! Except she lives in Tucson.

Having read a few Cracked articles, I'm surprised the title wasn't "5 Mind Blowing Things YOU Totally Didn't Know Would Happen if the Internet Vanished!"

For complete destruction, I'd agree with Carthage. But I'd also include the Mongol destruction of Baghdad in there as well. The loss of art, history, philosophy and science was devastating. In some ways, Islam never recovered. Some historians believe the population of Baghdad did not return to levels from that 1258 AD

I'll throw out two that I don't believe have been mentioned yet.

I've never been a big fan of Fallon, but I must say I've liked what I've seen so far of his take of the Tonight Show brand. Being genuine, endearing and sweet is a refreshing change of pace from so many shows drenched in detached irony, cynicism and snark.

Was Dan Harmon always Peter Jackson?


Jeff Bridges is gonna be a tough one. He's the Dude and just exceptional in everything he's in. I've always had a soft spot for The Fisher King. Also, any member of Monty Python shuffling off this mortal coil to join the bleedin' choir invisible will leave me absolutely devastated.

I saw Dylan when he toured with Paul Simon in either 1999 or 2000. Anyway, he wasn't what I'd call disdainful. He was aloof and didn't talk much to the audience except to tell a horrible joke.

Small town in the South in the early 90's. One generic rock station on the radio. It was a tragedy I tell ya.