Blood Bath and Beyond

You bet your sweet ass I did,

When I was a teen my friends and I worked at a Subway. On slow days we'd pass the time by speaking only in lyrics until someone either cracked up or couldn't come up with a response. Bon Jovi's terrible, terrible lyrics won me more than a few games.

"I had been going out with Mia for 12 years and never in that time did
she ever suggest to me anything resembling misconduct. Now, suddenly,
when I had driven up to her house in Connecticut one afternoon to visit
the kids for a few hours, when I would be on my raging adversary’s home
turf, with half a dozen people

I'm not a fan of Leno and I haven't watched many of his shows, but do you (or anyone else) have an example of racist jokes aimed at Obama?

I think that's a fair assessment. Leno will never be mentioned as one of the greats, a trendsetter, or being influential. But he was never (from the point of taking on the Tonight Show) trying to be those things and my argument is that it is unfair to judge him through that prism.

Sometimes comedy fans (and comedians) have too much of a fixation on the idea of being a boundary pushing artist. That if you're not trying to emulate Lenny Bruce, Carlin or Pryor then you're a Henny Youngman hack. Not everything has to be daring or push imaginary envelops. Catering to an older generation (or people

No, because Northerners tend to ignore their faults or their own racist history, which can be just as terrible and bloody. Racism exists in all corners of the country, sadly.

The reason we Southerners hate you so much is your own hypocrisy. Let's see, there's white flight, gentrification, Native American genocide (the same Union troops that fought to free the slaves would be bashing Native baby's heads in with their revolvers in 5-10 years),many of your cities or states were still

Macklemore is for white people who want to like rap but are afraid of black people.

Boo this man!!

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

As someone with a physical disability (MD) I really admire this kid. It's gotta be tough to get past people's preconceived notions in that business. It's tough in any business, really. But he does well in his role and I hope he finds success post-BB….one with plenty of nutritious breakfast foods.

My first girlfriend in high school loved Meat Loaf for whatever reason.  However, she was really into Rocky Horror and was a theater rat so I guess it makes sense. So yeah, I was the guy who lost his virginity while this dumb song played in the background. So I cant entirely hate it.

Wait…wait….So Spielberg and Lucas are crying that Hollywood only wants to make summer blockbusters?  Right. They are partly responsible.

They'd install a stair lift.

"And while these claims are still unverified, the internet is already furious about it."

It is odd especially considering TV's Frank is very outspoken on his beliefs. The writing room must have been interesting. Although people can be friends and have different views. Though the culture makes it seem impossible But, I don't agree that Mike isn't fun on Twitter. His occasional Photoshop contests involving

The short "Clean and Neat" kills me every time. So many great lines.

Cool story. Do you post on Reddit or have a blog we neanderthals could follow? I mean, if we can figure out who to burn to get this demonic device to work LOL LOL

Nah, he ordered it from the Walmart bakery.