Blood Bath and Beyond

Yeah, Cali is awesome. There's never any violence, rapes, racial tensions, homophobia or anything negative. Those are Red State problems LOL LOL

I don't get the hate for the Jenny storyline. Are we now going to deny that the sexual promiscuity and rise in unprotected sex (because people felt immune to disease because of the Pill) in the countercultural revolution played absolutely no part in the AIDS epidemic? Jenny is a tragic character because she never

I always thought he was brilliant. His WTF interview was sad, whimsical and a little scary. Perfect for Mr Winters

I just remembered that Charley Pride and Ray Charles appeared on Hee Haw. So, actually Hee Haw was much more diverse than Girls.

Wait…Girls, Seinfeld, Friends and Sex in the City were all racially diverse shows? When did this happen? Those shows were just as lily white as Duck Dynasty or Hee Haw.

There have been examples of school districts protecting known pedophile teachers or ignoring warning signs. The recent teacher scandal in LA is an example. They also paid the guy like 40k on his way out the door.

"Comparing the incidence of sexual misconduct in schools with the Catholic Church scandal, Shakeshift notes that a study by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops concluded that 10,667 young people were sexually mistreated by priests between 1950 and 2002.
In contrast, the extrapolates from a national survey conducted

This is the perfect vehicle for Jack Black as Quasimodo. Lots of mugging for the camera, high energy and farting. Then we'll get Eddie Griffith to be his smart ass sidekick. They won't be in a bell tower anymore but they'll be American ex-patriots living in Paris above a cafe! They've run out of money and now do


I think it was referring to Peggy Sue Got Married

As always, Native Americans are left out. When are they going to receive their seat at Mel's Diner of Racial Slurs?

Wactho, just MO, but I've always felt that racists were the ones who actually did believe one group(s) was inferior to their own and would be very likely to join a group like the KKK. However, I'd classify Gibson as an old fashioned bigot. He can make nice when he's around people of color or those with different