Scurrilous Lies Abound

Atlas Shrugged II: The Squeakuel.

Atlas Shrugged II: The Squeakuel.

Buzz Lightyear!

"Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum" by Nick Cave off of the "Songs in the Key Of X". I dare you to get more 90s than that. This was a tricky hidden track to find, too — you had to rewind from the first track instead of wait (it was hidden in the CD's pre-gap section), so you basically had to find it by accident

"@Bleh It may be stupid but it's a real religion and no stupider than anybody else's"

digitalninja: except for all of the people displaced because their homes are inaccessible and the businesses that have to be shuttered, and the fact that this strange new technology to basically wall of a place popped up overnight with no explanation after being deployed by the government…

Baptiste: yeah, definitely — I immediately thought of Pacey when we saw that Peter was offing all the shapeshifters. "C'mon, another secretive murderous rampage? I THOUGHT WE WERE DONE WITH THAT SHIT."

Oh, wait, are we pointing out contrarian shows that got much better after their first season, or shows that really did decline in quality after their first season? Because I never saw Alias and I think Parks & Rec has been pretty goddamn good, so I was leaning towards the former, but then I realized some people here


How do you get a baby in a bucket?

"Then you don't like watching awful movies."

Stay awhile and listen!

stock quotes
What is this crap?

That Saul Williams version of the opening is amazing.

I think that's a little short-sighted, CHOMPS. Reznor developed Year Zero pretty much from the ground up with his sights set on either a television or movie; the worldbuilding and ARG were important steps in that. I had honestly just expected it to never happen, but seeing that it is doesn't surprise me in the least;

funny names
are funnier when it's the first name, because you know they made an active decision not to change it.

Five bees.

It's tricky. Because we have to suffer knowing that this exists; but on the other hand, eventually everyone involved in the project will die, some of them in tragic or comic (or tragicomic!) ways. But man… recently it seems like all the news out here is just worse and worse and worse and worse.

Tell me, O'Neal

As terrible as this all was
It was worth it just to generate the phrase "It's a sandwich disaster!"