Darth Now Registered

they''re still in there.

also, this thread has almost descended to the level of self parody and we should probably just stop.

I've heard that Black Bolt never sleeps.

And Dark Knight Returns is amazingly great, especially when you consider its far-reaching influence, having molded even last year's Dark Knight film, (which I think will also grow even greater in influence, importance and critical esteem as time goes on).

valid point about overuse of the d-bag thing on these forums, but I'll defend myself as having used it in a relevant context, while I humbly admit to being as susceptible to its foibles—and equally as guilty as spreading d-bagism as anyone else on this site. Also, I'm really not trying to flame, start arguments or

you know the snarky hipster elitisim has gone way too far when Watchmen is called "not great." Say you didn't like it, say it wasn't your cup of tea, say that it hasn't stood the test of time, whatever…. there's simply no way to justify saying it wasn't good, or influential, or groundbreaking.

Vikings are the spartans. Who were the new ninja. Who were the new astronauts. Which were the new cowboys. Which were the new knights.

Vikings are the spartans. Who were the new ninja. Who were the new astronauts. Which were the new cowboys. Which were the new knights.

Wookies vs Elves

Wookies vs Elves

glad to find some fellow 13th warrior fans out there. I actually think the film is pretty terrific—although I think I remember reading on wikipedia that it makes the top 25 list of biggest financial bombs and Omar Sharif literally retired from acting because of it.

glad to find some fellow 13th warrior fans out there. I actually think the film is pretty terrific—although I think I remember reading on wikipedia that it makes the top 25 list of biggest financial bombs and Omar Sharif literally retired from acting because of it.

holy crap, this sounds fucking awesome.

holy crap, this sounds fucking awesome.

The Wire was pretty good. I think the Shield was better though.

Also now featured at KFC…
Baltar Biscuits…. Now with extra betrayal butter.

+ 2 internets.

A+'s aren't allowed, and A's are reserved for absolute, pure perfection.

A+'s aren't allowed, and A's are reserved for absolute, pure perfection.

and it would explain Starbuck's instinctive loathing for Tigh