Darth Now Registered

holy crap is that brilliant.

And please gimmick trolls, don't get discouraged. In my book, everything single one of you is precious and unique and treasured… like a snowflake or a blowjob.


Where are Jorge Van Salsa and ZMF?
did we lose them in the redesign? Just want to say we miss you, in a snarky, anonymous internet kind of way.

I've heard that Karl Malone's tears can actually cure cancer.

where's Jorge Van Salsa been lately?

what's wrong with the world today? there's junkies on the street, getting diseases from monkeys. Why won't they leave those poor monkeys alone? They've got problems enough as it is.

yup, seems like we wrapped it all up. Now what did everybody learn today?

Do not want!

great post Glut, hopefully that's really you.