
It's funny that the discussion here coincided with the season 3 episode of BB I just watched where Mike saves Chow. Remember? With the through-the-wall headshot using Chow's handcuffed guidance?

Starchy is 2 for 2 so far. What would be awesome if all that ridiculous stuff he mentioned in the beginning would turn out to be true!

That scream doe

Pizza Sassy's

This list is fucking embarrassing.

The book's ending was dark as fuck. Can't wait to get depressed after seeing this movie!

AHS: Transylvanian Castle?

Ive been enjoying this season so much thus far and was talking to myself how much this show has improved and how its gotten fun again ….

I really enjoyed reading your comment as the review did not clarification for me.

i now remember why Im watching this show again after quitting it….

thats a very good response, and something many have considered. I seriously doubt the realism of the event occurring and i feel thats part of the intention. This incredibly unlikely event must have occurred with many separate variables falling into place. It is equally unlikely as it is surprising. THis all ties into

The mediocrity of the episode ends with the best truth bomb either show has ever said: B59 is a complete pile of garbage

I do admit that when Marv actually said the words "Now thats a dame to kill for" that lame ass phrase once utterered completely killed my vibe. For me that was the worst thing in the movie

a) what's wrong with Avatar

I really don't see anything bad in the movie. its no Avatar but everything was done well- the atmosphere, acting, plot, action, theme - Frankly it was an awesome movie. The visuals were improved and its nice to see the good guys win for once (if you call that winning)

Maybe it's the erection I still have 24 hours later from seeing Eva Green naked for 20 minutes talking but I really enjoyed this movie.

5? More like 1.

solid observation but if thats true they wouldn't throw her in the looney bin although i do think that maybe she saw Ryan talking with Wilfred which now we know is basically schizophrenia

ok that makes somewhat, thanks

we know Bruce is real because Ryan's dad was paying him off