
I still don't understand how Bruce or Ryan's ex saw Wilfred

So because the movie isn't directed at my demographic, that means that my criticism of the movie is irrelevant because the movie isn't meant for me? Not a very good defense. I don't have to be a a little kid to enjoy Finding Nemo, I don't have to be a woman to enjoy Pretty Woman.

look I'm all for some dumb fun action flick but I've regretfully seen all 3 previous movies, and as much as I was hoping for a thrill ride i was freaking yawning 40 minutes into it….. me……a cinephile…….me………..he whom watches everything, so long he has popcorn…….

The thing is we all love the transformers but he just does an awful job with them, its as simple as that.

so basically "haters gonna hate"?

Well i think the take-away point is that Betty is the way she is because of 1) Don's performance as a husband and 2) societal pressure

It does suck how much I've become to hate her. I understand that the show has a purpose with her, but in season 1 she was my favorite character - even season 2

Can someone provide some more insight to the last final shots of the episode? It very much reminded of the season 5 finale, not to spoil anything for anyone.

it also just happens to be a tv show

Well its not meant to outright shock you because the series does that on a weekly basis. THe culmination of everything that led up to the plane crash is the series only religious theme.

so you gotta sit or stand in one place for 2 hours for a group that existed rather than exists?

I had the great pleasure of watching her perform whilst on the Colbert Report. It was terrible.


This chick is so full of shit that I want her to go bankrupt regardless whether the lawsuit is justifiable or not.

I like the frame of the newspaper article to place us in time, I honestly could not distinguish who Lori was

Its so awesome to search himym on google to view the recent episode only to have a spoiler in the news right below the cbs link. Fucking great.

i really can't tell with this guy

liberal-socialist-fascist-nazism. Are you fucking retarded?

bcause fox news is a pile of shit

Im really happy that someone besides me hates Crash. I had to sit through that shit 3 times in high school. The first fucking time was bad enough that the 3rd time I could fucking analyze every detail that i hated in that movie.