Bernice Juach

Remind me never to marry someone with the last name Peterson.

You spend the first five years trying to get with the plan, and the next five years suing all the various people who have wronged you.

What is she funny or something?

Another lawsuit? We have been suing Mad Men on behalf of my uncle who hurled himself off a building many, many years ago.

That's considerate of the murderer to take the time to inform the rest of us that you were murdered.

Chappelle's Show - No The.
Comedian's of Comedy - I never thought of that.
Important Things with Demetri Martin - OK, irony.
 These Are Jokes - Just lay it out there.
 Demetri Martin. Person. - We get it.
 Demetri Martin. Standup Comedian - Shut up
Jon Benjamin Has a Van - Its about him and his van.
The Sarah Silverman

Yes, but, the New Coke thing also helped reveal the staggering ineffectiveness of using taste tests for making major product decisions. One issue being asking for a respondents opinion after 1 sip (Pepsi beats coke) was different than the entire can (Coke beats Pepsi).

I have to agree with Pancakes - on what evidence are you making this comment? Outside of very small market which likely reflects avclub's readership, the Community/Harmon saga has barely been a blip on TV radar. Harmon being so outspoken is the only reason he seems more "intertwined" than say, Chuck Lorre.

Todd please tell me you put Joel in a headlock after reading this.

It is a memoir, not a novel. The the book certainly had lots of wacky and comedic content, the more interesting parts of the book were the difficulties of being in the culinary/restaurant world, the drug use, dissapointments, etc. The show kind of ignored all of that, which never made much sense to me - a dark sitcom

"For our Consideration"
The comparison of this and the Grantland article exemplifies why AVClub > Grantland.

I'm looking forward to AMC's Breaking Bad spinoff about prostitution - Walt the Snatch Buyer

Stop it already. Where the hell is the Coen-directed Yiddish Policeman's Union?

What's with AVClub dissin this song?

Dammit! And Reed Hastings has no history of making a really stupid business decision then quickly reversing that decision!

So let's talk about what the Pulitzer Prize committee did this year, and why I think it was correct. I was fortunate enough to have read all 3 books before the nominations came out, and was sort of then shocked by the nominations.

After seeing basically everything Oscar related - Life of Pi is categorically the most most overrated film this year.

Evidence that sometime after 1997 we shifted into an alternate universe: Ben Affleck not being nominated for Best Director is turning out to be one of the all-time major Oscar snubs.

Todd sums it up pretty clearly as to why this is a B- and not an A- - " the Zoe Barnes stuff is patently ridiculous". Her storyline was outlandish and her character's actions … creepy. She is almost the antithesis of Lena Dunham's character from Girls - I realized I was giving her a pass for the first two thirds of

Zoe Barnes is to House of Cards as is Lori Grimes to The Walking Dead.