Bernice Juach

Levy has nearly worn out his welcome anyway, but O'Hara is probably the best of the bunch.

You could have put a "D" on this one and I think the community might have agreed. Story lines that just fizzled out oddly (Stannis), storylines that nothing really happened (Brienne), everything happening with Jon Snow just being muddled by the confusing world of the wall, and a huge misstep/overreach in whatever they

I just want to say good luck, we're all counting on you.

"Shiiiiiit" [Golly]


The bigger problem with Blomkamp is that he hasn't show that he is willing to take his films out of the same predictable stylization and universe. District 9 and Elysium were very similar, now with Chappie I find myself realizing Blomkamp has a very specific way he wants to tell stories, from similarity in

Before I die, Ima' fuck me a lobster.

Can they make one for Bill Cosby?

Think of it this way - there is an $800 million dollar movie in which the soundtrack was featured prominently. The album's revenue as contributed to the overhaul movie haul will be about 3%. Really, an overwhelming percentage of people who saw the movie are passing on the album, but any decent album sales these days

Agreed it might not be a nod, but if you look at the hosts for the last 20 years, she easily has the shortest resume (basically only SNL). I feel like a few people must have turned it down before it got to her.

Was just about to post the same thing. My reaction isn't that I find her unfunny (quite the opposite), but I don't really see the arc to where she gets this nod. She was certainly funnier than Jost on update, but the news/anchor desk thing was never her strong suit.

“I am NELSON, CASPAN, VAN ALDEN. I am a sworn agent of the United States treasury. And I swear by Jesus our lord that justice will REIGN down upon you if it is my LAST”


Good opportunity to note this: the lyrics to Grenade are distinctly stating the singer will literally commit suicide "for" another person, because I guess that's how much he loves that person. The lyrics are not about dying to protect them or anything like that. They are about committing suicide. I doubt this was

Well true story Whedon actually wanted the title to be When Tony met Hulky.

May I posit that a major factor in Firefly not gaining initial traction is the space-western-speak all the characters speak with? I actually love Serenity, but the "I aim to misbehave" speech always makes me cringe. For better or worse, I think Whedon's evolution into more mainstream success was his newfound ability

What's most bizarre about this continued non-cancellation is Emily Mortimer's and Sam Waterstons continued participation in a horrible show, where good acting doesn't matter in the face of terrible writing.

"Frankie, cover your ears real quick. He doesn't know, it's not a Diner's card, guy gave him a piece of plastic with his name in a crayon on it."

He'd be great, but he doesn't have the number 1 characteristic they were looking for: "Vapid", when casting Routh then Cavill.

Yeah I don't get this… bringing in Batman gives this movie a chance to have the biggest opening of all time. Why don't they let some grownups come in and get the series back on track?